How To Pray For Good Luck In Trading

How To Pray For Good Luck In Trading
How To Pray For Good Luck In Trading

For trade to be profitable and successful, you need to pray to the Great Martyr John the New (Sochavsky). There is a special prayer. But you can turn to the patron in your own words. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

How to Pray for Good Luck in Trading
How to Pray for Good Luck in Trading

Heavenly patron

It is customary to pray for success in commercial affairs to the Monk John the New (Sochavsky). He lived in the XIV century in the commercial city of Trebizond, on the Black Sea coast. Then it was called Pontus Euxine. He loved Christianity dearly. With joy he endured the torment that fell to his lot, glorifying the Lord.

The relics of John the New were transferred to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Sochava. June 15 is the day of commemoration of the Saint and this significant event for Christians.

John Sochavsky was a merchant, therefore he is considered the patron saint of trade. The Great Martyr invisibly helps believing entrepreneurs and merchants to solve problems and reach new heights in their professional activities.

For prayer to gain strength

Before asking the Saint for help, you need to cleanse your soul. Mentally forgive those with whom relationships do not work out. Do not use foul language, do not get angry. Do not consume alcoholic beverages. Do not smoke. Sins weigh heavily on the soul. The more there are, the more difficult it is for the soul to ascend with prayer.

Invisible image

The icons depict the Great Martyr John as a young man with curly hair and a beard. In one hand he holds a cross or a scroll with the Gospel text. The other is raised in a blessing gesture.

They pray not to the icon, but to the Holy One himself. Before praying, you need to concentrate. Forget for a while about extraneous thoughts and worries. Imagine that the Great Martyr John is nearby, not visible, but real.

There is a special prayer to the Monk John. And also Troparion Voice 4 and Kontakion Voice 4. But you can turn to the Great Martyr in your own words. The main thing is that they go from the heart.

As you begin prayer, cross yourself with the sign of the cross. Then be sure to say, "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." At the end of the prayer, say, "Amen." And don't forget about the sign of the cross.

Believe and wait

Do not wait for a quick prayer. It takes a lot of time for the circumstances to develop in the right way. Long-standing conflicts have been settled. Have patience and faith.

Sometimes desire is not pure and not good for the soul. A person, like a child, asks for what can harm him. And he himself does not even know about it. So the Saint is in no hurry to fulfill his request.

One must hope for the Monk John. But it's not bad for the sake of fulfilling a request to work on your own. For example, pray regularly for 40 days. Observe the fast. Or simply exclude gastronomic excesses from the diet.
