Rain In A Dream: What Is It For

Rain In A Dream: What Is It For
Rain In A Dream: What Is It For

In dream books, rain in a dream is often described as a harbinger of change. If it is not accompanied by thunder, hurricane wind, then the dreamer can count on success in life. However, among the positive interpretations explaining why rain dreams, there are also negative interpretations.

Rain in a dream
Rain in a dream

If in a dream the rain pours like a wall, the dreamer feels that he is wet to the skin, then this is a very bad sign. Soon you will have to face health problems. A serious and long-term illness is possible, which will disrupt all plans and recover from which it will not be easy. On the other hand, if the dreamer does not see rain, but only feels small drops of water on the skin, this promises a short-term malaise that will not entail any bad consequences.

According to dream books, rain in combination with low and very dark clouds is considered an unfavorable sign. Such a dream portends money problems. If a person who owns his own business had such a dream, he should prepare for numerous troubles. It will not be possible to bypass competitors, there will be a threat of ruin.

When in night vision a person falls under the drizzling rain, this is a sign that he needs to be more careful with the one to whom he trusts his secrets and secrets. Many envious people gathered around the dreamer, who own some private information and are ready to publicly disclose this information.

A dream in which there is a warm summer rain is deciphered from dream books as an auspicious sign. Numerous pleasant events will begin to happen in life very soon. Interesting meetings and good news are likely. The dreamer's mood will be at its best, the state of health will also be excellent. An easy and positive time is coming, suitable for relaxation and entertainment.

If in a dream the rain turns into an insanely heavy downpour, if the water begins to flood everything around, this means that the dreamer needs to pay attention to his morale. It is necessary to rethink some recent events, to "dig" in your inner world. This kind of dream hints: the time has come when you need to deal with the fears, anxieties, dark thoughts and experiences lurking inside. Otherwise, very soon all this will result in depression and a complete breakdown.

When in a dream the sun is shining at the same time and there is a fine warm rain, this promises unexpected profit. At work, they'll be given a bonus or they'll be able to win the lottery. Also, such a night vision portends success, good luck and valuable gifts.

When the situation in a dream changes rapidly, the weather worsens sharply and a gray rain begins to drizzle, dream books claim that this is a good omen. Ahead of the dreamer, various chores and worries await, but they will not spoil the mood and will not negatively affect the plans. In addition, the problems that have recently greatly disturbed the dreamer will suddenly resolve themselves, leaving behind a slight bitter aftertaste.

A dream in which a person watches the rain from the window of his own house promises harmony in the family. If the dreamer is lonely, then such a dream portends a quick meeting with the one who is destined by fate. And if, at the same time, in the night vision, you can hear the raindrops drumming on the glass, cornice or roof, then this means that small joys will come to the dreamer's life, and the financial situation will also slightly improve.

A dream in which pale gray clouds slowly tighten the sky, and after a fine rain begins to fall from them, portends boring days. Life will lose its colors, the dreamer's mood will be at zero. Apathy, lack of inspiration, loss of energy and loneliness are likely.
