How To Learn To Dance Flamenco

How To Learn To Dance Flamenco
How To Learn To Dance Flamenco

Table of contents:


Flamenco is a traditional Spanish dance style with pronounced gypsy motives. Beautiful and passionate, this dance is multifaceted: it combines expressive movements and emotions on the verge of frenzy. Classic flamenco is necessarily accompanied by live guitar playing, vocal singing and rhythmic accompaniment: sonorous claps or castanets.

How to learn to dance flamenco
How to learn to dance flamenco


Step 1

Everyone can learn to dance flamenco, at least that's what experts say. The main thing in this dance, unlike other accepted styles, is not clarity in the execution of movements, not perfection, although this also plays an important role. The main thing is to be able to teach yourself, to put all the passion, all the accumulated emotions into the dance.

Step 2

The main pose of flamenco is called the pose of complete self-satisfaction. A dancer or dancer must first of all love herself and be proud of herself. Therefore, flamenco is loved by women and men of any age and physique. With every movement, the dancer expresses his individuality, self-sufficiency, is not afraid to be in the center of attention and seems to say "Look at me, this is what I am proud of."

Step 3

There are a lot of fast movements in flamenco dance: the legs beat off a fast Spanish rhythm, while the hands elegantly expressively draw beautiful figures in the air. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning to work on your posture, to make sure that your back does not bend like a question mark, only then you can maintain balance and at the same time not think about which movement to make next. Flamenco is good because this dance is improvisation.

Step 4

Of course, no dance style is complete without memorizing the basic movements. And flamenco in this sense is no exception, there are many nuances and different steps in it. Therefore, students constantly practice the so-called zapateado, beating the rhythm with heels, work on the flexibility of the hands and wrists, and learn to hold their heads proudly. Flamenco is a dance-emotion, dance-story, so the profile of the dancer should always be visible to the viewer. And since he is constantly moving, spinning in a dance, then sharp proud movements of his head add passion and fury.

Step 5

Frequent workouts develop a sense of rhythm in the dancer, he begins to feel the music, pass it through himself, without thinking about what is happening to his body. This is important because flamenco is a very energetic dance and there is no time to think about it.

Step 6

Flamenco is not only dance, not only fitness, which has become an integral part of modern people. It is also psychotherapy, a way to pour out accumulated emotions that cannot find a way out in an ordinary hectic life. This is the freedom to be yourself, to soar above conventions, to leave all worries. Flamenco is not danced in ordinary nightclubs, it is a chamber dance that is not designed for a mass audience. By and large, dancers do not need this, because the most important thing that this dance gives is the art of being yourself and loving yourself.
