How To Dance Lezginka

How To Dance Lezginka
How To Dance Lezginka

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Lezginka is a Caucasian folk dance. The time signature is 6/8, the tempo ranges from medium-slow to very fast, but is predominantly performed at an extremely fast tempo. The authorship of the dance is attributed to Lezgins living in Dagestan. Now lezginka is performed by almost all the peoples of the Caucasus: Georgians, Kabardians, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, etc.

How to dance lezginka
How to dance lezginka


Step 1

In Lezginka, the male dance is very different from the female in a large number of movements, their greater sweepingness. Since the history of the dance is associated with the dances of warriors before the battle, it is not surprising that more often this dance is performed by men. The performance of the dance is widespread both exclusively by men and in a mixed composition.

Step 2

In mixed dance (men and women) physical contact between partners is excluded. The man in every possible way demonstrates his prowess and strength with jumps and sudden movements. The woman is somewhat limited in her movements, she dances more smoothly, the movements are based on grace and lightness.

Step 3

While performing lezginka, it is important to monitor your posture. In both men and women, it is she who creates the proud and austere image of the dance.

Step 4

The emotional mood of the dancer is based both on the posture itself and on the expression on the face: during the dance, you need to look exclusively into the eyes of your partner, catching and picking up his every movement (after all, you do not touch each other), and be sure to smile.

Step 5

Hand movements can be smooth or abrupt. There are six basic movements, each of which starts from a basic position. At your discretion, you can vary the movements, improvise, come up with something of your own.

Step 6

It is more comfortable to dance in loose clothing that does not hinder movement. During workouts, it is recommended to drink non-carbonated water, and before the dance, do not eat anything fatty and high-calorie. An overflowing stomach will prevent you from moving fast enough.
