People always strive to achieve success in all areas of their activities. Mastering the technique of hypnosis, developing the ability to influence other people in oneself, will help to achieve the necessary goal, to become the ruler of one's own destiny.

Step 1
Before you begin to master the techniques of hypnosis, learn to control yourself. Confidence in one's actions is the main rule of the hypnotist. Eliminate all negative factors that provoke self-doubt: smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee and other drinks that excite the nervous system. Insincerity is the main enemy of hypnosis. To be able to convince others, one must be extremely honest oneself.
Step 2
When conducting experiments, follow the mandatory rules that ensure the state of hypnosis in the subjects. Speak words clearly and clearly, and some phrases loudly and firmly. Do not Cry. In the process of training, you should choose the tone of voice that suits you exclusively. Also develop a hypnotic gaze that allows you to look your partner in the eye without blinking. Learn to relax your body as much as possible through autogenic training or yoga.
Step 3
During the session, often use the pronoun "I", justify your requirements. Don't apologize, don't get annoyed, don't answer questions, don't show emotion. Nothing should distract you from the action you are taking. Consider the possibility of a partner giving the opposite attitude. To do this, use a special technique, as not all subjects will follow your instructions clearly. Some people do exactly the opposite. Monitor the state and position of the subject, do not allow yourself to criticize him, make comments to him.
Step 4
The ability to hypnosis means the ability to attract, impose, inspire the people around you with your desires and thoughts. Consider all the mandatory rules of hypnotization, suggestion and self-hypnosis, since non-observance of the basic rules leads to the impossibility of carrying out a hypnosis session and achieving the set goal.