The classical guitar is an instrument for the elite. This is due to the peculiarities of its details, ways of playing and execution. Unlike regular guitar, classical guitar requires great ability in music and genre of playing. It cannot be played by famous musicians. This guitar is made for the soul. If you want and persist, you can learn to play the classical guitar in a couple of months.

Step 1
Master the seating position of the classic guitarist. First of all, you need a small support for your left leg. Then sit on a chair and spread your legs. The notch of the guitar body should rest on your left foot. Your right foot should support the other side of the guitar. The tool itself should be rotated 45 degrees relative to the floor. This will keep the tuning pegs at shoulder height. The height of the support for the left leg is selected individually. It should correspond to about 10-15 centimeters.
Step 2
Start learning notes on the guitar. The arrangement of the notes on the guitar is as follows:
1 string: unclamped string E, clamped at the first fret "F", at the third fret "G", at the fifth fret "A", at the seventh fret "B", the eighth "C", the tenth "D".
2nd string: unclamped string the note "B", clamped on the first fret "C", on the third "D", the fifth "E", the sixth "F", the eighth "G", the tenth "A".
3 string: not clamped string G, clamped on the second fret "la", on the fourth "s", on the seventh "d", the ninth "e", the tenth "fa".
4th string: not clamped string "D", clamped on the second fret "E", on the third "F", on the fifth "G", on the seventh "A", the ninth "B", the tenth "C".
5th string: unclamped string the note "A", clamped on the second fret "B", on the third "C", on the fifth "D", on the seventh "E", on the eighth "F", on the tenth "G".
6th string: not clamped on the string, the note "E", clamped on the first fret "F", on the third "G", on the fifth "A", on the seventh "B", on the eighth "C", on the tenth "D".
Step 3
Learn to play notes. To do this, hold down the corresponding string. The strings on a classic guitar are nylon, and the neck is wide, so it is more convenient to place your fingers. In this regard, such a guitar cannot be played by striking. As soon as you learn how to play notes, start learning the scale. It consists of successive notes: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. Clamp the appropriate frets and strings on your guitar. Accelerate the pace of the game over time.
Step 4
Move on to learning how to play. The main such method is arpeggio. In everyday life, it is called "bust". The essence of playing in this way is to play the strings with your fingers. The strings can be plucked sequentially, one after the other, or in a specific order. Each finger pulls on one string. Do not get in the habit of performing a full bust with one finger. The most common arpeggio (eight-note) is as follows: bass, 3-2-3-1-3-2-3.
Step 5
Start playing the pieces by sheet music. This way you can gain experience and speed of execution. Any piece on the guitar can be represented not only with chords, but also with notes. Buy specialized literature, or search the Internet. Practice every day for 3-4 hours and in a couple of months you will be fluent in classical guitar.