The topic of people's transition to a new level of consciousness is gaining more and more popularity. Esoteric circles and yoga studios are opening everywhere, allowing you to achieve transformation not only of the body, but also of the mind. In addition to excellent physical shape and clear thinking, following these practices, according to their adherents, will give you a completely new sense of life, by increasing the level of your own vibrations.

Step 1
Purification of the body According to the ancient Vedic knowledge, our body is a conductor of vital energy - prana. And in order for this energy to flow freely in our body, it is necessary to keep it in perfect purity. Compliance with the following conditions will help ensure flawless performance of your body: 1. Proper nutrition In order to maintain ideal health, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Ideal, from the point of view of increasing vibrations, is eating whole foods - vegetables, herbs, fruits, cereals, natural dairy products and everything that nature itself generously supplies us with. If you want to feel great, immediately eliminate all processed and industrially obtained foods from your diet. Such "food" contains practically nothing useful and, instead of nourishing our body, only takes energy from it for its processing. Eliminating coffee, sugar and salt from your diet will also have a positive effect on your condition. Avoiding alcohol, smoking, and other intoxicants is a key prerequisite for transitioning to higher vibration levels. 2. Physical Activity The main consideration when choosing exercise is the pleasure you get from the exercise. Therefore, anything will do, from cleaning the apartment to climbing the mountain. Even if you're sedentary, keep an alarm clock to remind you of the breaks you need to take. During these breaks, you can stretch, self-massage, or take a short walk with coworkers. Regular yoga practice will help you not only get in great shape, but also get rid of the toxins accumulated in your body. Medical fasting also helps to get rid of toxins. It is worth starting such sessions from one day in three weeks, gradually increasing the number of "hungry days" as it is ready. It is recommended to carry out any cleansing practices during the waning moon. Spend as much time as possible in nature - fresh air is one of the necessary conditions to maintain your well-being at a high level.
Step 2
Cleansing the Mind Negative experiences and emotional blocks are mental toxins that prevent us from enjoying life to the fullest. To purify consciousness, there are now many techniques that sometimes make it possible not only to get rid of chronic diseases, but also to completely change your life. These techniques include holotropic breathing, meditation, psycho-emotional freedom techniques and many others. For starters, you can simply start monitoring your breathing and spend at least 15 minutes a day in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Whenever possible, try to avoid negative situations and spend more time with a supportive society, with children. Try to maintain cleanliness around you at all levels.
Step 3
Practicing on your own techniques aimed at working with consciousness is highly discouraged. It is advisable to find a master or a group who will help you understand all aspects on the path to excellence.