Everything around is filled with energies. Even the ancients knew that even an ordinary shell has its own biofield. Strengthening the biofield occurs through proper nutrition and breathing, opening the chakras, and so on.

Step 1
The thought that is born in the human head does not disappear anywhere. It goes into the general energy fields and merges with the biofield of the Earth. This whole is called egregor. Egregor can not only receive energy from people, but also give in return. If you consider yourself a supporter of any community, then in difficult periods of life you can feed yourself with energy at the expense of the ergor of the community. To do this, first, lie down in a comfortable position and relax. Imagine this community in your mind. Imagine this energy transferring into your energy field. Next, you need to establish a connection between you and the egregor. To do this, you can say mantras, prayers, meditations. The therapeutic effect that occurs when connected to the egregor includes raising vitality, mobilizing the body's vitality, accelerating the healing process and increasing self-confidence.
Step 2
There is a close relationship between the physical state of a person and the state of his biofield. By mastering the methods of controlling the energy of the chakras, one can completely transform. In just six months, you can go from complete despondency to sociability and cheerfulness. Chakra work is a difficult process and requires preparation. To prepare yourself, master yoga breathing practices for a month. Try to feel the movement of prana in the body. The opening of the chakras should be done sequentially - from the lowest to the highest. Each of them will take you several weeks to work with.
Step 3
Strengthening the biofield occurs not only with the absorption of prana, vital energy, but also with the help of proper nutrition and breathing. Simply put, if a person, while eating, drinking and breathing, will imagine that he is absorbing prana, that is, energy, he will release a large amount of vital energy. When you do yoga breathing, while inhaling, mentally imagine that you are absorbing a large amount of life energy. As you exhale, send energy to the solar plexus area. You will feel energized. Drink a glass of water in the same way. Likewise, absorb food, chewing slowly and keeping in mind that you are drawing energy. All food, especially fruits and vegetables, contains prana, which is essential for maintaining life and health.