Attempts to cheat death have been made since the dawn of mankind. Search for elixirs of immortality, worship of various gods. Various religious and philosophical teachings arose that aimed to find a way to prolong life - Taoism, palingenesis, individualism, immortalism.

Step 1
Modern scientific immortalism explores any means that will postpone physical death. So, scientists have created a very large database on the aging and lifespan of animals. In particular, they managed to find 7 species of ageless multicellular organisms. It was possible to find several species of animals that do not die of aging at all. With the help of biomedical technologies using stem cells, genetic engineering, hormone therapy, transplantation, it is possible to increase the average human life expectancy to 120 years and more.
Step 2
Several years ago, scientists from London proposed a theory of biological presence, which is that the DNA of a deceased person will be preserved in a tree. Figuratively speaking, a person after death becomes a tree and prolongs the process of storing his DNA. Moreover, it is possible that in a few decades this DNA can be isolated from a tree and cloned the deceased. The cost of the project is 50 thousand dollars. For this money, researchers isolate human DNA, plant it in an apple seed, and grow a seedling in the laboratory. There are very few people willing to plant their DNA in a tree, but research in this area continues.
Step 3
Cryobiology is the science of freezing the human body in order to preserve it until the time when medicine can restore the functions of the body after deep freezing, cure all those causes that caused the death of an individual. The human body is stored at minus 273 degrees. Such a deep freeze stops all chemical processes in the human body, including the decomposition process. The cost of freezing in the USA is from 50 to 250 thousand dollars, in Russia - from 10 to 30 thousand. The price depends on how long the body will need to be stored and on the amount of freeze (the whole body or just the brain).
Step 4
The DNA bank is also considered one of the ways to cheat death. A cheaper way to preserve your DNA in the hope that in the future, medicine will resurrect the deceased by cloning his body. DNA banks, for a fee of $ 400, take on custody of their customers' DNA and commit to keep it forever. Also, the client can leave information about himself with the DNA, no more than 1 GB in size. For each extra gigabyte, it is proposed to pay an additional $ 200 separately.