How To Sew A Turtle

How To Sew A Turtle
How To Sew A Turtle

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Decorative cushions can make the interior of even a very modestly furnished room original. Pillows in the form of different animals will surely please your child, and adults in such a room will be happy and comfortable. The pillow can be made, for example, in the shape of a turtle. Such a pillow can have many functions. You can sit, lie on it, and for a child, a funny turtle sewn by mother's hands can become a favorite toy. Therefore, rummage in the closet with leftover fabrics and unnecessary clothing. Surely there is everything you need to sew such a pillow.

The tortoise shell is round or oval at the base
The tortoise shell is round or oval at the base

It is necessary

  • A piece of tight fabric for the abdomen
  • A piece of cloth that is larger and softer for the shell
  • Several identical pieces for paws, tail and head
  • Foam rubber or synthetic winterizer
  • Paper or cardboard
  • Compass
  • Pencil
  • Needles, thread, scissors, a piece of chalk


Step 1

The turtle consists of fairly simple shapes, so you can make it without a pattern. But if you are not very confident in your ability to cut fabric, then make a pattern better. Draw two circles on the paper. The radius of one of them should be 5 centimeters greater than the radius of the other. The small circle is for the abdomen, the large one for the shell. For the head, cut out a rectangle that is about half the radius of the smaller circle and slightly longer in length. Remember that the head will need 2 fabric pieces, just like the legs and tail. For the legs, draw a rectangle slightly shorter and narrower than the head, and for the tail, draw an isosceles triangle of the same length as the legs.

Step 2

Transfer the paper pattern to the fabric, not forgetting the allowances. To make it easier to sew, first circle the circles strictly along the pattern, then add the allowance. In several places, make notches in the allowances, not reaching the 1-2 mm line. You should have 1 abdomen and carapace, 2 head and tail, and 8 paws. Measure the thickness of the foam and cut out ribbons for the paws and head, the length of which is equal to the perimeter of the rectangle, minus one width.

Step 3

Start sewing from the feet and head. Take one of the rectangles for the head and a tape. Fold them right side up. Align the tape cut with the length of the rectangle, then with its width, and then with the second length. Baste and stitch the seam Similarly, sew the second rectangle to the ribbon. Turn your head out and stuff it with foam rubber or padding polyester. Sew all 4 legs in the same way. Just sew the details of the tail together, leaving 1 seam unsealed.

Step 4

Lay the belly of the turtle face down. Lay out the paws, tail and head on it and mark the places where you will sew them. Place the paws symmetrically.

Step 5

Gather the tortoise's shell with a needle forward seam so that the circumference becomes equal to the circumference of the abdomen. Fold the carapace and abdomen right-side up, sweep and stitch them, leaving open space for the head, paws, and tail. Turn out the tortoise's body and stuff it with foam rubber or padding polyester.

Step 6

Insert the paws, tail and head into the open holes. Sweep them with a needle and foam rubber. Gently fold in and seal in the abdominal and carapace allowances. Stitch on the details or sew them on by hand. Embroider eyes and a mouth on the head, and claws on the paws.
