How To Knit According To The Pattern

How To Knit According To The Pattern
How To Knit According To The Pattern

Table of contents:


Knitting is a very fun and simple process. But only if you learn to read the diagrams that are attached to a particular model. Indeed, at first glance, nothing of these strange symbols is clear. In fact, the knitting pattern has a clear structure.

How to knit according to the pattern
How to knit according to the pattern


Step 1

The first rule is to start reading the knitting pattern from the bottom up. All rows are indicated alternately: first from left to right, then from right to left. This rule must be strictly observed so that when you turn the work, the rows do not differ from those indicated in the diagram. In addition, only the implementation of this rule helps to correctly knit the seamy and front sides. All rows, as a rule, are labeled on the diagram. If you are faced with the designation of a circular row, you need to read it and knit the product, respectively, from right to left.

Step 2

All rapports, i.e. repeating patterns, according to the scheme, should be repeated in width. Usually in the scheme, the rapport is highlighted with separate designations so that it is clearly visible. In the process of knitting, periodically check whether the pattern of your product is similar to the one shown in the diagram.

Step 3

As a rule, the diagram indicates that edge loops are required. If there is no such hint, this does not mean that there should be no loops. You must do them yourself at all times and without additional reminders. When knitting with needles, edge loops can be made in any technique - in two threads, with twisting, alternating, etc. Choose the one that is convenient for you. If you are crocheting, lifting air loops will act as edge loops.

Step 4

Typically, in the diagram, letter values are indicated next to the figure. They are decrypted quite simply. So, for example, the letter p. Denotes the word "loop", p. - "row". Common individuals. and out. - this is nothing more than "facial" and "purl". Read the diagram carefully, because usually next to the abbreviations, the full decoding of the abbreviations given is also indicated.

Step 5

Knitting according to the symbols shown in the diagram is as easy as shelling pears. Typically, there is a definition of what these pictures mean next to the diagram. Crochet mostly uses basic patterns. For example, a double crochet looks like a stick with a perpendicular line on top. A column with two crochets is exactly the same stick with only two perpendicular intersections. An air loop is a dot, a single crochet is a cross, etc.

Step 6

The knitting pattern looks a little different. For example, you want to knit a checkerboard pattern. To do this, you need a diagram, which is a table divided into squares. They indicate the number of loops in the pattern. To understand where you should use which loops, take a close look at the diagram. Everything is written there. It may look like a tablet where empty squares and squares with a dot in the middle alternate. This will mean that it is necessary to knit in turn the purl (empty cells) and front (cells with a dot) squares of the pattern.
