Often, guitarists think about installing a device called a pickup on their instruments. At first glance, this procedure does not cause much difficulty, but there are several types of pickups, each of which has its own peculiarities.

Step 1
Before installation, you need to decide on the type of pickup, it can be piezoceramic or magnetoelectric, single or twin design. Choose the pickup that's right for you. Single gives the sound a bright, colorful signal, but creates, and this is its main drawback, a small background due to the presence in its structure of only one winding, the so-called inductor. If you want to reduce the background background, use additional circuitry and modify the pickup.
Step 2
Also another type of magnetoelectric pickup is the humbacker. It consists of two coils connected in a specific way, using it, you get a knocked down and dense sound, while minimizing interference from the resulting hum. Select one of these pickups (single or humbacker) and mount it to the top of the guitar deck using the clamps.
Step 3
In addition to magnetoelectric, there are piezoceramic pickups, which, in turn, are divided into removable and stationary. Removable is a disc of small thickness with a piezoelectric element. Install it either on the inside of the guitar or on the outside with the special Velcro. Naturally, the sound extracted from the guitar will depend on its location.
Step 4
The stationary one is a thin metal bar with several piezoelectric elements, the number of which is equal to the number of strings; it is possible to use a solid strip made of a material with piezoelectric properties in the construction. Place this unit on the fretboard as this is where the vibrations from the strings are best transmitted. It is also worth noting that the operation of pickups with a piezoelectric element is based on the feature of converting mechanical vibrations into an electrical signal.