The shops have tablecloths for every color and taste. Now no one has problems with choosing and buying a tablecloth they like. However, if you still want to sew a round tablecloth yourself, why not give it a try? It's not a shame to put a tablecloth sewn with your own hands on the festive table.

Step 1
When choosing a color for the tablecloth, try to match it with the color of the room and your favorite set. Although you can play in contrast, you only need to do it skillfully. It is easy to sew tablecloths from blended fabrics (for example, cotton with synthetics). They practically do not need ironing, they are very convenient to use both for everyday lunches and dinners, and for special occasions, in canteens and kitchens. Plain dyed linen and cotton tablecloths are great for festive dinners, although they are quite difficult to keep in top condition.
Step 2
First of all, measure the diameter of the countertop, then add to the resulting value double the width of the overhang, as well as 3 cm (seam allowance). Then make a pattern out of thick paper using a pencil tied to a string (the length of the string is half the required size). Press one end of the lace to the paper, then pull it tight, and then draw a quarter circle. Next, cut out the pattern.
Step 3
Now fold the fabric in four, then pin a quarter circle pattern onto it, aligning the folded edges of the fabric with the straight edges of the paper. Cut with well-sharpened scissors.
Step 4
Stepping back 1.5 cm from the not hemmed edge, sew the fabric around the circumference. This stitch will mark the edge of the hem. Without stretching the fabric, iron the hem inside out.
Step 5
Gently fold over the un hemmed edge to create a double hem. Pin it up with pins, baste it. Sew the tablecloth around the edge, close to the inner fold of the hem. Iron the hem.
Step 6
Cover the decorative round table with a plain dyed tablecloth almost to the floor and place a small square napkin on top. The fabric of the napkin should be in harmony with the fabric of the tablecloth.
Step 7
If you have to sew a round tablecloth from pieces of fabric, you do not need to sew a seam in the center, as this will look very ugly. Cut off two pieces of fabric of the required width, place one of them in the middle, and cut the second in half lengthwise and sew to the middle on both sides. Make sure the drawing matches. Use a regular linen seam and neatly hem the edges.