What Are Hawaiian Rose Seeds Famous For?

What Are Hawaiian Rose Seeds Famous For?
What Are Hawaiian Rose Seeds Famous For?

Plants are not always harmless. Wild poppy flowers have a narcotic effect, a couple of quinoa stems can be sent to the forefathers, and a small Hawaiian rose can cause hallucinations and insanity.

What are Hawaiian rose seeds famous for?
What are Hawaiian rose seeds famous for?

The Lesser Hawaiian Rose is a perennial climbing plant that is often confused with the fortune teller sage. rose seeds have pronounced hallucinogenic properties that were discovered relatively recently. This plant can be found all over the world, but most of all in Hawaii. It is valued locally for its relaxing effect and is used instead of alcohol.

There is an assumption that the seeds of this plant were used by the ancient Indians in their rituals along with other plants centuries ago, the rose helped to enter a trance and make predictions. But at the same time, such properties of these rose seeds were studied by scientists not so long ago.

The Hawaiian rose has the highest concentration of psychotropic substances of all plants in its family, but these properties were discovered only in 1960.

Psychedelic roses

The psychedelic properties of seeds are famous due to their widespread use in Hawaii. In Haiti and Puerto Rico, they were used as an inexpensive form of drug and served as the main alternative to alcohol. Albert Hoffmann, the professor of LSD, soon became interested in the seeds of this plant and, having obtained a sample, confirmed their hallucinogenic properties by studying the chemical composition.

Hawaiian rose seeds contain ergot alkaloids. They are toxic compounds, the effect of which depends on the degree of their concentration. They are sometimes used for medical purposes. In small quantities, seeds and mixtures prepared from them are used as a medicine, lysergic acid is the main component for the synthesis of many drugs, these seeds contain a fairly large amount of its amides.

Non-toxic hallucinogen

It should be noted that you can buy a rose at a gardening store; it can often be found in garden plots. Hawaiian rose seeds differ in size from those of other members of the family. To obtain a psychedelic effect, only a few grains are needed, which are dried and ground in a special way. Due to its large seed size, Hawaiian rose has the most intense hallucinogenic properties, but it also has the lowest toxicity.

The seeds of selected plants are devoid of hallucinogenic properties.

Used in small quantities, Hawaiian rose seeds do not cause strong psychedelic effects and pronounced side effects, they are used to achieve mild euphoria or increase libido. But large doses of the seeds of this plant can cause various disturbances and severe hallucinations, their effect is similar to that of LSD, although it is usually not as strong.