The long-awaited bright Orthodox holiday - Easter - is coming soon. Everyone is preparing for it, as well as for any other holiday, but the needlewomen, as always, are rich in invention. Even for Easter, they make unusually beautiful things from everything they find in their bins. I bring to your attention a papier-mâché Easter vase.
It is necessary
- - Balloon;
- - petroleum jelly;
- - toilet paper;
- - a thread;
- - PVA glue;
- - water;
- - needle;
- - stationery knife;
- - napkins;
- - brush;
- - white acrylic paint;
- - acrylic lacquer.
Step 1
Inflate the balloon and tie it. Next, we take Vaseline and coat the entire surface of the ball with it. Then we wrap 3 layers of toilet paper on it, after which we fix it with threads.

Step 2
Now you need to dilute PVA glue with ordinary water, and in equal proportions. We begin to coat the ball wrapped in toilet paper with the resulting mixture. After you have done this procedure, you should rewind 3 more layers of paper on it and fix it with a thread. Then we also coat new layers of toilet paper.

Step 3
We make a stand for the future vase. To do this, you need to wrap toilet paper around your hand approximately 10 turns. Thus, we should form something like a nest.

Step 4
We put the resulting nest on a blank sheet of paper and insert our ball into it.

Step 5
Then we again take toilet paper and begin to wrap it exactly from the middle of our ball in a spiral, and so as to capture the future vase support. There should be 3 such layers. After wrapping, fix the paper with a thread. Next, we form the leg of the craft with our hands. We cover everything with another layer of adhesive solution. Winding and adhesive application must be alternated 3 times.

Step 6
On the wet surface of the ball, you need to put a napkin folded in half, and then reapply the glue solution. Thus, we glue the entire future vase and leave it to dry for 2 days.

Step 7
We take a needle and pierce a balloon with it, after which we remove it.

Step 8
We cut a hole in our product using a clerical knife. First, cut it out just in a circle, after which you can improvise a little, for example, make the edges of the craft jagged. So it will resemble a broken shell. We paint the vase with paint, then cover it with several layers of acrylic varnish. The papier-mâché Easter vase is ready!