How To Make A Flip Card

How To Make A Flip Card
How To Make A Flip Card

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It is always pleasant to receive gifts, but it is even more pleasant to give gifts. Just imagine how much joy you can bring to a loved one by giving him a small present made by yourself.

How to make a flip card
How to make a flip card

It is necessary

  • - thin cardboard;
  • - colored paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - pencils or markers;
  • - scotch tape.


Step 1

To make a flip card, take a sheet of thin cardboard, it can be white cardboard or colored, of your choice. On the seamy side, draw a 280 x 140 mm rectangle, divide it into four equal vertical rectangles, but do not cut it yet. Draw fold lines as shown in the picture. Use the scissors to lightly traverse the fold lines to help them bend better.


Step 2

Cut the large rectangle into four small ones and fold them along the fold lines, then unfold. Take two rectangles, place them face-down on the table, close to each other. The line of contact of the rectangles must be vertical.

Step 3

When you have a square out of two rectangles, take double-sided tape, cut four pieces, no more than 30 by 30 millimeters in size. Stick the tape around the corners of the square.

Step 4

Next, form another square from the two remaining rectangles. Lay the rectangles face up with the joint line horizontal. Cut the double-sided tape again and apply it to the corners in the same way.


Step 5

Carefully take the two resulting squares and in turn glue the rectangles of one square to the rectangles of the other square. Carefully twist the inverted postcard in your hands, if you feel that it is jamming somewhere, cut off the excess. The basis for the flip card is ready.

Step 6

Now you can start directly applying for your postcard. You can make it from colored paper or colored cardboard, beautiful fabric, satin ribbons. You can decorate the card with sparkles, beads. If you want to make a truly original and amazing postcard, make a composition on it from natural materials, it can be flower petals, small feathers, foliage, blades of grass and even moss.

Step 7

When making an applique, learn one simple rule - in no case glue materials on the fold line.

Step 8

The flip card is ready! Before donating it, do not forget to write your best wishes. Such an insignificant gift will surely please your loved one, because you made this card with your own hands, with your soul.
