Horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac many people want to know. Even not believing in the predictions of astrologers, people are interested in what the Dog is preparing for them - a symbol of the coming year.

Let's discuss the Virgo women horoscope for 2018. Representatives of this zodiac sign will not be afraid of frost and cold. Virgo from the inside will warm love and passion. A relationship that the ladies saw as an easy infatuation will grow into a serious relationship.
In the spring of 2018, Virgo women will find a loyal friend. This person will be ready to help at the first call.
In love and relationships with others, the representatives of the zodiac sign under discussion will be fine. Complete harmony and mutual understanding with the second half, and a delicate approach and genuine interest in the problems of loved ones will bear fruit.
The second half of 2018 is a great period for career advancement. The task can only be complicated by outright flirting and sympathy, which will be shown by male leaders. Such behavior of the opposite sex will cause gossip, intrigue and hostility from colleagues, and it does not matter whether Virgo women respond to the courtship of their boss or not. In order not to make enemies for yourself in the face of colleagues and the second half of the boss, tactfully stop all courtship.
November and December 2018 will be stressful for Virgo women. The illusions that the representative of the sign under discussion had in relation to some people and situations will fade, disappointment will replace it. After the "pink" glasses of Virgos fall off, they should learn to control their emotions. Otherwise, their aggression and harshness will deliver a lot of unpleasant moments to their relatives. Solve your problems soberly looking at things, learn to find a compromise, otherwise you will not be able to achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.
This is how the stars promise 2018 to Virgo women, and time will tell what the fair sex is really in store for.