A child in a dream is a symbol of the future, a hope for something. For this reason, dreams of children are saturated with symbolism, and dream books mostly foreshadow a wonderful future. But not always! For a more accurate interpretation of these dreams, several interpretations should be considered.

Child in a dream. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Evgeny Tsvetkov is sure that children in a dream are a symbol of moodiness, anxiety, trouble and inconstancy. A child who cries in a dream says that all the efforts and works of the dreamer will not lead him to the desired result. Holding the baby in his arms, lulling him and rocking him - to unconscious laziness on the part of the dreamer, which does not allow him to carry out anything previously planned. The dreamer needs to show more perseverance.
Why is the child dreaming? Miller's dream book
American psychologist Gustav Miller most objectively examines the interpretation of these dreams. If you dream of a child crying, financial problems are coming. Diseases are not excluded. A strong and beautiful baby in a dream symbolizes strong friendship and mutual love between a man and a woman.
A dream in which the baby takes his first independent steps speaks of the dreamer's strong will: in reality he does not have to rely on anyone's opinion, since he can safely rely on his own strength. Nursing a child in a dream is a bad omen: in real life, the dreamer will be deceived by a loved one. It is considered an unfavorable dream to take a sick baby in your arms: in reality, the dreamer will face deep sadness and mental anguish.
A child in a dream. Dream interpretation of Nostradamus
A good dream is the one in which a healthy and cheerful baby is seen. This speaks of the upcoming changes in the dreamer's life for the better. To see oneself in a dream as a child is to confusion on the part of the dreamer. He is confused in his own life, he needs to reconsider his worldview and outlook on life. A crying child in a dream - to dangerous turns of fate.
Dreams in which a person wanders in search of his child speak of his attempts in reality to find hope that has already been lost for anything. A child picking flowers in a dream speaks of the dreamer's spiritual enlightenment. Holding a child in your arms is a sign of waking attempts to find a way out of this situation. A dirty child in a dream speaks of a danger impending on a person.
Why is the child dreaming? Freud's dream book
Sigmund Freud states with full confidence that children in a dream are a reflection of the dreamer's sexual life and the state of his genitals. Taking care of a baby in a dream means being a sex slave in a relationship. Moreover, such a dream speaks of an unstable professional environment in a person's life. A child who screams and cries in his sleep speaks of a person's dissatisfaction with his sexual partner.
Child. Dream interpretation of miss Hasse
Happy and joyful children in a dream are a sign of imminent financial profit, material well-being. Lulling and rocking a child - for an early housewarming, and hitting him - to impending family troubles. Children playing with each other in a dream mean fun, party, friendly drinking. A falling child promises some obstacles in achieving cherished goals.