How To Wake Up On Time

How To Wake Up On Time
How To Wake Up On Time

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Modern humanity suffers from chronic lack of sleep. The fact is that a person's biological clock often does not coincide with his work schedule. And this means that he has to get up not when the body has had enough sleep, but when the alarm clock rang. But you can still tune yourself to wake up on time.

How to wake up on time
How to wake up on time


Step 1

The first step is to figure out how many hours you need to get a good night's sleep. This is easy to do. Choose the night before the weekend for your experiment. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, or other stimulating drinks before bed. Do not play sports this evening. Disconnect all phones - home and mobile. Ask loved ones not to wake you up in the morning. Go to bed when you feel like you really want to sleep. And if in the morning nothing wakes you up, and you wake up yourself, look at the clock. How much did you sleep? 7-8-9 hours? This is the normal amount of time you sleep.

How to wake up on time
How to wake up on time

Step 2

If on weekdays you sleep less than your body needs, that's not good. When a person is young, the vital resources of his body still allow him to be content with a minimum number of hours of sleep. But as you get older, these resources are spent more and more quickly and eventually come to naught. Hence, constant depression, headaches, and sometimes even early heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, if it is not possible to get up later in the morning, try to go to bed earlier. Then you can wake up on time without damaging your body.

Step 3

If the work schedule allows, or you are still studying, then you can set aside half an hour for sleep in the afternoon, after lunch. Scientists have shown that people who went to Morpheus's arms for a short time in the afternoon feel much better than those who did not. Their labor productivity increased, their state of health improved, and their immunity was strengthened. And in order to get enough sleep at night, they needed fewer hours.

Step 4

If you can't wake up on time on your own, you will have to set an alarm. Choose such that the sound is not too harsh. It is better if it is quiet, flowing music that sounds progressively. You can set an alarm on your mobile phone, all the latest models have this function. Then you can not only adjust the volume level, but also choose your favorite melody. Then you will wake up not only on time, but also in a good mood.

How to wake up on time
How to wake up on time

Step 5

If waking up on time is still difficult, you will have to go to extremes. Talk to management, they might change your work schedule. If not, look for jobs at a company that has a working day that matches your biological clock. Then you can get enough sleep every night, which will increase your productivity during the day.
