How To Read An Egg

How To Read An Egg
How To Read An Egg

Fortune telling on the egg is considered one of the most reliable predictors of fate. However, such a seemingly straightforward matter has its own nuances. Therefore, you need to be able to do it correctly.

How to read an egg
How to read an egg

Fortune-telling rules

For divination, a raw egg is required. This is one of the prerequisites for prediction. It is the raw egg that allows you to quickly absorb the surrounding energy.

Ideally, it is better to take the egg directly from the chicken, that is, it has just been laid. If the egg is fertilized, then this is a good sign for the fortuneteller himself. The bright red color of such an egg contains the energy of the blood and the Sun and is a shell located between the inner and outer world.

History and myths

In some beliefs and religions, the egg was a symbol of the birth of all things. Among the Slavs, it was an attribute of many rituals and holidays. For example, in Christian culture, the egg is a symbol of Easter. In ancient Egypt, it was the basis of all that exists. It was believed that the egg has a sacred meaning. This is where the ban on eating eggs came from.

The egg also appears in some legends. So, it served as the source of birth in the Babylonian legend of the goddess Ishtar. From it, according to Greek myth, the goddess Helen came out.

What is it

Fortune-telling on an egg is called ovomancy in another way. It is used in esotericism. With the help of it, they receive the necessary information about the future. According to the silhouettes and symbols obtained in a raw egg, the prediction is interpreted. This is facilitated by the location of the protein and yolk, the shape of the embryo and any additional factors.

Fortune telling on an egg is also used to cleanse a person from damage and the evil eye. The egg is rolled around the body, as if taking away negative energy and negative thoughts. This ritual allows you to align the person's aura and cleanse the house.

Fortune telling on an egg and water

This method of divination is most common on Christmas night. It is simple and accessible to everyone. This method involves the use of one protein. The meaning of fortune-telling is to collect information, process information and read it when an egg is combined with water.

First you need to collect all the necessary components. These include a raw egg, a needle, and a glass of water. Now you can proceed directly to fortune telling. At midnight, wash the egg with running water. After that, it must be clamped between the palms and lower your hands to the level of the solar plexus. You need to stand in this position for several minutes, focusing on what interests you.

The sharp end of the egg should be pierced with a thin needle and a small hole made. Through it, you need to release the protein into the water so that the yolk completely remains in the egg. Shake the water in a glass and put it in the refrigerator or any other cool place for half an hour. According to what figures the squirrel has formed, and divination is interpreted.

If the protein is on the bottom, it's a bad omen. Such a phenomenon can portend death, illness or fire. Usually the protein is located in the center of the glass, forming various shapes. If, during the interpretation, they see the heart, then love awaits the fortuneteller. Cradle means addition to the family.

As a rule, frequent fortune-telling on an egg leads to the fact that a person himself begins to interpret the symbols. However, if this is difficult, there is a whole list of meanings. Here is some of them. Angel means peace of mind and happiness. The butterfly promises a carefree life. The bracelet speaks of an imminent marriage. If it is broken or torn, then this means separation from the beloved. Broom - discord, quarrel. Mountain means striving for high goals, obstacle, success. The house promises success in all endeavors. The cell tells about imprisonment, loss of money, property, power. Swan means wealth. Arrow speaks of financial difficulties. And the flower promises sincere love.

This, of course, is not the entire list of interpretations. A complete list can be found in any relevant literature.