Easter Souvenir: Felt Egg

Easter Souvenir: Felt Egg
Easter Souvenir: Felt Egg

Here is another very simple Easter craft that is suitable for the creativity of novice craftsmen or a quiet family evening with children.

Easter souvenir: DIY felt egg
Easter souvenir: DIY felt egg

Such an Easter souvenir will be a wonderful gift for relatives, friends or acquaintances for Easter, and for the craft you will not need to spend a lot on consumables.

several sheets of felt of different colors, multi-colored threads, needles, remnants of lace (or other material for decoration), some stuffing material (cotton wool, holofiber, etc. are suitable), a narrow ribbon or lace.

1. From paper, make a pattern according to the proposed template.


2. For one craft, you need to cut two felt blanks.

3. Sew on the future front side of both halves of the egg pieces of lace (as shown in the photo above) or beads, beads, sequins, beautiful buttons, other trimmings to your liking and desire.

4. Sew the felt pieces together carefully, leaving the sharp end of the egg unstitched.

5. Place the stuffing inside the egg through the unsewn section, tie the ends of the lace or ribbon and, sewing the craft, attach the ribbon so that the egg can be hung. The place where the lace is sewn can also be decorated with a bow, bead or button.

The craft is ready. Make some of these mementos in different colors.

if you do not have beads and beads at home in order for the craft to look elegant, it is enough to decorate both sides of the egg with the simplest embroidery, as, for example, in the photo below.