How To Write A Letter To The Universe

How To Write A Letter To The Universe
How To Write A Letter To The Universe

Composing a letter to the Universe is a small and simple ritual that helps people achieve what they want. It is especially appropriate in those cases when a person needs to determine exactly what exactly he wants, or when luck plays a significant role in the realization of his dream.

How to write a letter to the universe
How to write a letter to the universe

Rules for writing a letter to the Universe

The first thing you should do when writing a letter is to figure out what you want and try to break down the big goal into small tasks that can be completed sequentially. Of course, the chances that you will make a million dollars or turn from an ordinary employee to a company director in a month are small. But on the other hand, you can determine what is required to fulfill your desire, and indicate all the points in your letter. This will help you better understand what you want, build a plan, and start implementing it.

One of the most important rules for composing letters to the Universe says: you must use verbs in the present tense. You should not write: "I will get a job", because we will be talking about an uncertain future. Write: "I get a job, I successfully pass interviews, I am accepted for a position of interest to me." Be sure to visualize each point: imagine how you come to the office, how you talk to an employer, how you conclude a contract. Try to imagine as vividly as possible how your wish comes true. If this is more convenient for you, pay special attention to the details.

Another important rule that must not be violated: it is forbidden to use the "not" particle. For example, instead of “my wife is not cheating on me” it is better to write “my wife is faithful to me”. Use only positive attitudes.

When you have finished your letter, fold it up and place it in an envelope. Here one more rule comes into force: on the envelope you need to indicate the recipient's address - an infinity sign. If you wish, you can draw it on both sides.

The letter is written - what's next?

Writing a letter to the Universe is not enough - you also need to know what to do with it after. First, the letter needs to be "sent". There are three main options. First, you can drop the letter into any mailbox. Secondly, you can tie it up with a thread or ribbon and put it away - where no one will find it and where you yourself will not stumble upon it. Finally, thirdly, you can burn the letter, imagining how your words and your desires gain freedom and fly away - to the addressee. Choose the option that suits your taste.

And now the most important thing: forget about the letter. To make a wish come true, you need to let it go free, and not hold it like an arrow on a stretched bowstring. Try to think as little as possible about the ritual performed and pay attention to the implementation of your plans.