Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan have been married for over 20 years. Their divorce came as a complete surprise to many. The reason for the discord in the relationship turned out to be commonplace - the famous director and producer met another woman.

Marriage of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan
The marriage of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was considered by many to be ideal. Their wedding took place in 1993. By that time, Tigran already had experience in directing the film "Katka and Shiz". Alena was an aspiring actress. In 1994, a daughter, Alexandra, was born to their young family. Khmelnitskaya temporarily left the profession, and her husband's career took off.
After leaving maternity leave, Alena began acting in films directed by her husband. Together with him, they hosted several television programs. Harmony has always reigned in the family, but in 2009 a very unpleasant story happened, which slightly alienated the spouses from each other. Nikita Dzhigurda shared with viewers his memories of an affair with Alena. At that time she had not yet married, but she already knew Tigran. The director did not like these revelations and the relationship with his wife deteriorated. Alena managed to smooth out the rough edges and in 2010 she gave birth to her beloved husband's daughter Ksenia.

Why Alena and Tigran broke up
The first information about the breakup of one of the strongest cinematic families appeared in 2011. Journalists wrote that Tigran and Alena stopped publishing together. The famous director was more and more often seen in the company of the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel Margarita Simonyan. Subsequently, Margarita told how their relationship began. There was a difficult period in her life and Tigran Keosayan himself called her to express his support. After that, they began to call each other regularly, meet in a cafe and at some point realized that they could not live without each other.
Margarita was very worried that her chosen one was not free. According to her, they both tried to stop everything more than once, but could not do it. In 2013, Simonyan gave birth to Tigran's daughter Maryana. Pregnancy came as a complete surprise to her and she did not know how Keosayan would behave in this situation. The famous director made his choice and filed for divorce. A year later, they had a son, Bagrat, with Margarita.
The divorce of Tigran and Alena went very peacefully, without scandals and a showdown. Alena accepted this situation and let her husband go. Keosayan left the mansion in the prestigious Moscow region district to his ex-wife and children, and he himself moved to live with Margarita.
Life after divorce
Alena Khmelnitskaya's behavior after the divorce surprised even her fans. This wise and sensible woman managed to maintain excellent relations not only with her ex-husband, but also with his new chosen one. Alena herself took the first step towards her rival, inviting her along with Tigran and the children to the birthday of her youngest daughter. The women found a common language and after that such meetings became regular. Khmelnitskaya really wanted the divorce not to have a negative impact on the children. She believes that it is necessary to show daughters and sons by example how to get out of the most difficult situations. This tactic proved to be a winning one. Children of Tigran Keosayan from the first and second marriage communicate well with each other, are friends.

In 2019, it became known about the pregnancy of Margarita Simonyan. Happy parents are going to hide the sex of the child to the last. Margarita and Tigran are happy together, despite the decent age difference. In the future, they plan to register the relationship officially.

Alena Khmelnitskaya enjoyed freedom for a while, but in 2018 she began to meet with businessman Alexander Sinyushin. The actress posts joint photos with a new man on her page on social networks.

Alexander is 12 years younger than her, so Khmelnitskaya does not want to think ahead, but simply enjoys personal happiness. She stated that after the divorce, relations with Tigran Keosayan became even better and she was very happy about that.