Performing lezginka is possible on many instruments, but each will have its own characteristics. To play a lezginka on a guitar, you need to have certain good skills in playing the instrument, so a lezginka is not suitable for a beginner guitarist.

Step 1
Practice using combat as you prepare to play. This technique is a sharp push of three or four fingers forward, while touching the four lower strings. The sharper your fingers are thrown, the clearer the sound will be. Since Lezginka is mainly a dance, this method of playing is most suitable. Enumeration can be used if you are also going to sing along with the game. In this case, try to stretch your fingers on the same lower four strings, but without throwing your fingers out, but plucking them consistently and at a fairly fast pace.
Step 2
Now move on to building chords. When playing the guitar, two things are important. The first is the technicality and speed of the string fingering, and the second is the fast construction and rearrangement of chords. You don't need a lot of chords for lezginka. Remember and practice collecting with your left hand on the fretboard in A minor and G major. These will be the main chords.
Step 3
The melody contains both major and minor modes. The main one, of course, will be the major one. Therefore, if you choose some more between these main ones, it is better to give preference to the major ones. And especially do not get carried away with diluting the main chords with additional ones. In fact, the melody is not that diverse. Instead, pay more attention to the right hand, that is, the technique and method of playing the strings.
Step 4
When playing lezginka on the guitar, you can add knuckle strikes on the guitar body. It is better to do this at the end of a line or verse, observing a certain rhythm. If you plan on diversifying your melody in this way, practice ahead of time and choose a string-playing method that will allow you to do so.