From time to time, each person is drawn to draw, regardless of his education, age, political and religious views, marital status and others. But often a person tries to drown out this desire, believing that "I do not know how to draw, but to get something sensible, you need to study for a long time." Of course, it takes talent, inspiration and hard work to become a famous artist. But if you just want to draw, you just need to find time for this activity and allow yourself to draw.

Step 1
Step-by-step drawing books are great helpers in self-study drawing. Such lessons also have a psychologically good moment - the student sees what he is doing and enthusiastically masters a new business for him, and does not turn away with chagrin and sigh: "I told you that I won't succeed!" At the same time, experience is gained from drawing to drawing, the basic movements are worked out, the hand is filled, the analytical mind turns on, logical analysis takes place. As a result, after some time, a person begins not only to mechanically sketch step by step, but to construct and compose.
Step 2
For those who do not know how to draw, but really want to learn this skill, one-day courses are perfect, which are held, for example, by the school of creativity. During one master class, students are introduced to the technique of right hemispheric drawing, thanks to which a person literally draws a masterpiece from the first picture that can be hung in a frame on the wall. In addition to gaining experience in drawing, drawing lessons like this relieve stress and teach you to think outside the box, creatively. By the way, it is not necessary to attend a one-time seminar. You can purchase a video tutorial and fully and completely learn to draw on your own. Having mastered the technique, in the future you can use it in proportion to your imagination and imagination.
Step 3
In addition to books with step-by-step drawing, there are a great many books on the basics of classical learning. They can also be studied and applied in life. But no less valuable for a novice artist can be such publications as "school of drawing" and so on. They are designed for children. But this is more a plus than a minus. After all, information is presented in a simple and interesting way. And simultaneously with the theory, it is proposed to complete many practical tasks.