How To Serenade

How To Serenade
How To Serenade

Serenade is a great way to express your feelings to someone. In modern conditions, the classic form of serenade is not always available, so you have to go for a variety of tricks.

The word "serenade" comes from the Italian serenata, which means "evening." Usually this word denotes a musical composition performed in someone's honor. By all the rules, the serenade should be performed to the accompaniment of a guitar (or even a small orchestra) under the window of your beloved girl.

Where to start preparing for the serenade?

Multi-storey buildings actually put an end to the idea of a serenade, because, breaking off her voice, it is rather inconvenient to sing something for a lover looking at you from the sixteenth floor. Fortunately, mobile phones help to cope with some of the inconvenience.

If you do not know how to play the guitar or other musical instruments, use the help of a skilled friend, or find on the Internet the so-called "minus" of the song you want to perform. Do not forget to rehearse your song several times at home, learn the words well, if possible, write down and listen to the resulting versions, this will allow you to understand if you need to fix something in the performance. Keep in mind that despite the romance of the act itself, few girls are able to appreciate truly fake singing.

Time and place

Choose a suitable evening (warm, quiet, preferably spring), it is best to sing a serenade at dusk, so your girlfriend can see you, you will not displease the residents of the house, since you will be serenading at the time permitted by law. Keep in mind that a friend with a guitar looks much more romantic than a laptop or tablet with a "minus", and a guitar in your hands will immediately make you a hero-lover, but only if you know how to play it.

To perform a serenade in a modern way, you need a mobile phone with a decent balance, a headset that free your hands, your lover on the balcony or next to a window from which she can watch you during the serenade.

Make sure that the girl you need is at home (with the help of leading questions in text messages or a phone conversation), go to her house, taking with you a friend with a guitar or a device that will play music. Take a position where she can definitely see you, call your lover and ask to look out the window. Turn on the music (give a signal to a friend) and start singing. Don't try to take some heroic memorized poses while singing, be yourself.