For Easter, it is customary to give loved ones Easter eggs, hand-painted, painted with onion peels or with stickers. Braided with beads, the egg will become a luxurious gift on a holiday that promises wealth and prosperity to the one who is presented with it.

It is necessary
- - blank;
- - beads;
- - threads;
- - fishing line.
Step 1
To make a souvenir, you will need special blanks, plastic or wooden. You can buy them in hardware stores. If you did not manage to find them, do not be discouraged and do not put the idea on the back burner - you can make the workpiece yourself. Take a chicken egg, make small holes at both ends and use the contents as directed. Cut the toilet paper or napkins into strips. Now grease the egg with PVA glue and stick a layer of paper. Let the shell dry and apply another layer or two. The glue gives the work piece extra strength. After the egg is dry, you can start working.
Step 2
The simplest technique for braiding an egg with beads is as follows: take a fishing line, string beads on it, grease the workpiece with glue and wrap the fishing line with beads around the shell. It is better to take multi-colored beads to make the product more interesting. During winding, you need to make sure that the beads fit snugly together. The finished product can be decorated with ribbons.
Step 3
If you want to achieve the effect of a three-dimensional image, string transparent beads on the fishing line (in the first case, you could use a thread), draw a pattern on the egg layout and wrap the fishing line around the product. Secure the ends gently - the egg is ready.
Step 4
You can braid the egg with a net. You can find many patterns on the net - from the simplest to the ones subject only to craftswomen. For example, in one of the simplest nets, the first bead is connected to the seventh, and thus the fabric is woven. In order to braid an Easter egg, you need to weave a net that is equal in length and width to the middle of the egg. After that, the "belt" is put on the workpiece, and the egg is tied completely, reducing the number of beads at its ends. After the shell is completely tied, the thread or fishing line should be firmly fastened and tucked in.