How To Make A Button Brooch

How To Make A Button Brooch
How To Make A Button Brooch

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Well, who doesn't love jewelry? Someone likes bracelets, someone beads, and someone is just delighted with brooches! I suggest you make one original brooch in the shape of a button.

How to make a button brooch
How to make a button brooch

It is necessary

  • - gypsum;
  • - disposable cup;
  • - suitable plastic mold;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - acrylic lacquer;
  • - the basis for the brooch;
  • - wooden sticks, skewers;
  • - drill for metal;
  • - brush;
  • - water;
  • - glue gun.


Step 1

So, let's start making a brooch. First you need to mix 3 tablespoons of gypsum with water. Water needs to be poured so much that a creamy mass is obtained. You should not overdo it with the working material if you have only one suitable shape for the craft, since the gypsum hardens very quickly.


Step 2

The resulting creamy mass must be poured into a prepared mold and left to harden for 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, lay out the workpiece and leave to dry for another 24 hours.


Step 3

Now it is necessary to make holes in the frozen workpiece. There can be 2, 4 or 5 of them! It all depends only on your desire and imagination. Agree that in jewelry, originality and uniqueness are above all. The holes in the future brooch should be done like this: put a drill for metal in the right place, and then start rotating it with your fingers.


Step 4

After the holes in the craft have been made, you can start decorating it. First of all, you need to paint the workpiece, then cover it with acrylic varnish and only then decorate it further. For example, you can apply a drawing with paints or paste over the product with lace. It remains only to glue the base. Your button brooch is ready!
