How To Grow Washingtonia From Seeds

How To Grow Washingtonia From Seeds
How To Grow Washingtonia From Seeds

Washingtonia is one of the most beautiful indoor palm trees. Due to its compactness and unpretentiousness, it is very popular with flower growers. Since this plant practically does not produce layers, reproduction occurs only by seeds. Therefore, flower growers have to either buy a ready-made plant, which is very expensive, or be patient and grow a palm tree from seeds themselves.

in summer, the palm tree can be taken out into the fresh air
in summer, the palm tree can be taken out into the fresh air

First you need to properly prepare the planting material. The seeds must be freshly harvested. The longer the seeds have been stored, the longer they will germinate. For the best result, the seeds must be processed before sowing: carefully cut the seed along the seam, and then soak it in water for about 3-5 days. The water needs to be changed daily.

The seeds prepared in this way are sown in pots. A soil mixture consisting of leafy earth, sand and peat is filled into pots by about ¾. Seeds, one or several pieces, are spread on the top layer of the earth and sprinkled with soil with a layer twice the diameter of the seed. Crops should be covered with glass or foil and placed in a warm place (temperature should be at least 25-30˚).

Periodically, crops need to be ventilated and moistened regularly. In 2-3 months, Washingtonia seeds will sprout. Transfer the seedling pots to a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. When the second true leaf appears, the seedlings need to be planted in a special palm potting mix.

By the year, 4-5 leaves will form on the seedlings. From about the eighth leaf, the dissection of the leaf blade will begin, which gives the plant an exotic beauty.

When caring for a palm tree, you need to monitor the timely watering. Since this plant is moisture-loving, watering should be regular and abundant. But we must not forget about drainage. Over-watering can cause plant roots to rot. Washingtonia needs to be sprayed frequently, as in dry air the leaves begin to dry out and the plant does not look very attractive. For all water procedures, you need to use warm soft water.

This palm tree is quite demanding on soil fertility. Therefore, it must be fed with mineral fertilizers. With insufficient nutrition, the plant can slow down or even stop growing. Hypothermia of the soil should not be allowed. For adult plants, room temperature is suitable, and in winter it should be at least 15˚.
