What Plants Can Be Put Instead Of A Christmas Tree For The New Year

What Plants Can Be Put Instead Of A Christmas Tree For The New Year
What Plants Can Be Put Instead Of A Christmas Tree For The New Year

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Didn't have time to buy a Christmas tree? Nowhere to put a traditional New Year tree? You can get out of these and similar difficult situations by placing another plant in a conspicuous place.

Three plants that can be put in place of a Christmas tree for the New Year
Three plants that can be put in place of a Christmas tree for the New Year

New Year is a family holiday and in most houses it is not complete without a beautiful Christmas tree. It's so nice to decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family or with a group of friends. However, if you did not have time to purchase this tree, you can get out of the situation with the help of other plants, no less traditional for the winter holidays.


The Christmas star or the most beautiful euphorbia among the Americans or the British is strongly associated with the Christmas or New Year holidays, since it blooms in December. Its flowers are very reminiscent of the star that decorates the top of the Christmas tree.

But do not treat poinsetti as a one-off decor. With some care, it will continue to delight the owner for a very long time. This flower is best placed in a well-lit place, protected from hypothermia, watered daily with warm water, since the poinsettia was originally exported from Mexico.

Tangerine tree

For many of us, the New Year is unthinkable without tangerines. These exotic fruits will fill the room with a pleasant bright aroma, and you can grow a tree from the seed yourself. True, not every housewife will have their own tangerines, since the plant is quite capricious.


The tradition of hanging a branch of this parasite plant during the Christmas holidays comes from Old Norse myths. She can decorate the entrance to the house or a festive table. It is believed that it brings good luck, prosperity, love, health.
