Alexandrite is a unique and most expensive type of stone such as chrysoberyl. The mineral is very popular. It has a wide range of magical and healing properties. In nature, stone is quite rare. Therefore, it belongs to the category of exclusive minerals.

Alexandrite stone appeared relatively recently. It was first described in 1832. But in those days mineralogists thought they had just found a new type of emerald. This is due to the fact that the stone was found at an emerald mine near Yekaterinburg.
Subsequently, the mineral was presented to Alexander II in 1834. And it was in honor of the king that the stone got its name. After the murder of Alexander, the mineral began to be called the "imperial stone".
Healing properties
Alexandrite has a wide range of useful properties. It can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.
- The mineral helps to cleanse the blood vessels. With its help, you can fight a disease such as varicose veins.
- The stone is able to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
- Relief from stress and insomnia is another useful healing property of alexandrite.
- The stone helps to cope with alcohol addiction.
- The mineral can be used to boost mood and performance.
- Helps to cope with skin diseases.
To get rid of alcohol addiction, lithotherapists advise drinking water infused with alexandrite. To do this, you need to place the pendant with the mineral in a glass of water overnight. It is recommended to drink water in the morning before eating.

You shouldn't wear the mineral too often. It is recommended to put on or take it in hand only when necessary. Only natural mineral has healing properties. According to lithotherapists, alexandrite is most effective during the daytime.
Magical properties
Alexandrite has a wide range of mystical qualities. But he suits only strong-willed, strong personalities. The mineral will harm a weak person.
- The stone is called a prophet. But he can only predict the bad. Alexandrite warns of danger by changing its color from green to scarlet during the daytime. By this he informs about the problems that are associated with blood circulation. Warns of life's difficulties, acquiring a yellow tint.
- Alexandrite is able to attract good luck into the life of its owner. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for adventurers and people whose activities are associated with danger.
- The stone helps to reveal talents, give inspiration. Therefore, it is ideal for creative people.
- The magical properties of alexandrite can harm people who prefer to live a quiet, calm life.
Who is alexandrite suitable for? It is best to wear the mineral for representatives of the water and earth signs of the Zodiac. For Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Pisces and Scorpio, the stone will bring good luck, glory and prosperity. Virgo, Sagittarius and Cancer should refuse to buy the mineral.