Graffiti is one of the freest means of self-expression. There are no prohibitions or rules in this genre. The way the drawing is depicted also depends on the place that the artist has chosen. Most often, graffiti is painted with paint or a marker. In large Russian cities, people draw with a marker much more than in Paris or Berlin.

Step 1
Sometimes it's easier to make a marker yourself than to buy one in a store. Homemade markers are very popular with graffiti markers, as the shop markers are short-lived and not cheap.
Step 2
Let's help a novice graffiti artist make a do-it-yourself marker:
Start with any shoe polish with a soft, absorbent sponge at the end.
Step 3
Take a color-paste (or any other non-liquid paint). Kohler paste is sold in any hardware store.
Step 4
Add it to an empty shoe paint tube, but not to the brim, leaving room. You can dilute the resulting mass with alcohol or triple cologne.
Stir. The marker is ready!
Step 5
You can sometimes add 1-2 jars of putty (strokes) to such a mixture, and instead of color-paste, use ordinary pharmacy brilliant green. Only be careful with putty, do not overdo it, otherwise the marker will become stiff.
Step 6
And finally, do not forget: not every painted drawing is art, not every written inscription on the wall is graffiti!