How To Raise Energy

How To Raise Energy
How To Raise Energy

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Every body has energy. This is taught by physics, biologists, chemistry. Modern science has recently started talking about human energy. At the same time, Eastern teachings are full of this concept. A person has energy that is spent on various needs. For a person who strives to control his energy, the question of raising his energy often arises. There are many practices to facilitate this.

How to raise energy
How to raise energy


Step 1

The teachings of yogis speak of energy centers in which all human energy is concentrated. These centers are called chakras. There are many chakras in a person, but there are seven main yogas. They are located vertically along the spinal column. Each chakra has its own color. Counting from the lowest chakra to the highest chakra, the colors form a rainbow scale.

Step 2

To raise the energy of the yoga chakras, it is recommended to carry out special physical exercises - asanas. During each asana, it is necessary to concentrate on the point where the chakra is located and visualize it in accordance with the color. The Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is red in color. The svadishata chakra is located just below the navel in the genital area and has an orange color. The Manipura Chakra is located in the solar plexus region and is yellow in color. Anahata chakra is green in color and is located in the middle of the chest. The Vishuddha chakra is blue in color and is located in the region of the thyroid gland. Ajna chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and is blue. The Sahasrara Chakra is located at the crown of the head and has a purple color. Women's chakras can have a different color. So, the mooladhara chakra can have a cherry or burgundy hue. The svadishata chakra in women can take on a scarlet or pink color. Anahata chakra is sometimes turquoise or blue in color.

Step 3

In addition to asanas, you can use meditation on a specific chakra. Yogis are advised to combine meditation and asanas.

Step 4

The qigong system is ideal for raising energy. It is she who pursues the goal of raising the energy of the human body. It should only be practiced with an experienced instructor. To achieve greater effect and balance of energy, qigong is practiced in conjunction with martial arts. The ideal option here is kung fu.

Step 5

When working with energy, it is necessary, first of all, to consult with specialists. Often, with the wrong approach, an imbalance of the body occurs. As a result, a person may feel tired, suffer from headaches, nausea. Therefore, when working with such a subtle matter as energy, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a specialist.
