How To Learn To Parody

How To Learn To Parody
How To Learn To Parody

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Parody is a unique acting art, which consists in the comic depiction of the characteristic features of another person. On television and in theater, parodies are mainly made on popular figures in politics and the arts, TV presenters and singers. However, the desire to become a parodist is not enough, acting skills, perseverance, attentiveness and, of course, talent are required.

How to learn to parody
How to learn to parody


Step 1

Carefully study the video with the performances of the person you are going to parody. Memorize his behavior, movements of his arms, head, turns of the body, shoulders. Find a specific trait of the person, such as the frequent pulling back of the hair, or the shrug of the shoulders, or the characteristic tilt of the head. You need to understand a person's manners before trying to repeat them.

Step 2

Start rehearsing in front of the mirror. This will require maximum patience and effort. Try to repeat all the remembered movements, facial expressions of the parody object. Bring your acting to automatism.

Step 3

Now you can try to repeat the voice. Carry out work on the analysis of typical phrases of a person, manner of speech, timbre, intonations, characteristic pauses, hand gestures.

Step 4

Start getting used to his image. Try to think like an object of parody, feel it. Only then will you be able to repeat it comically and recognizably. Ordinary training, demonstration of scenes to relatives, attentive attitude to criticism - all this will allow you to hone your art of an impeccable parodist.

Step 5

To give comic relief to the created image, it is not enough to be able to accurately repeat it. It is necessary to add satire, funny phrases to speech, or even depict the object of parodies in an atypical situation for him. In general, a slight pun should be made. Only through constant training will you learn to improvise with ease, without even thinking about how similar you are portraying a person.

Step 6

Learn to stop in time. If a parody is shown out of time and out of place, even the most flawless acting will not impress the viewer. Use parody as a way to defuse the situation, especially if you are good at portraying not only famous people, but also your relatives and friends.

Step 7

And one more important rule. Learn to relax. Only positively-minded optimists have easy and beautiful play scenes. Get enough sleep and do not be nervous about trifles, treat life and circumstances with humor.
