The first to speak about music lessons at the Russian school was the outstanding teacher and pianist D. B. Kabalevsky. Before him, this subject in the general education curriculum was replaced by singing lessons. A significant difference between Kabalevsky's program and the developments of his predecessors is the expansion of the range of tasks: in addition to singing, he began to study the basics of music theory, music literature (history), listening and analyzing music with schoolchildren. A modern music lesson must solve all these problems.

Step 1
Write a minute lesson plan. Experienced teachers do without it, because they already know how long it can take to complete a particular task, but at first this moment is necessary. The first line in the plan is an organizational moment. It lasts about five minutes. As a greeting, you can use a singing song using the greeting word ("hello" - it is very convenient to chant at any rhythm using the notes of the major triad). In addition, the organizational moment includes a roll call and clarification of preliminary questions that are not related to the topic of the lesson.
Step 2
Next - the announcement of the topic and an introduction to it. For example, the music of the 16th century. Briefly describe the general political picture, list the masters of that era, focus on musical achievements and composers.
Step 3
Play on the piano, player, or synthesizer some of the typical pieces of this period. Ask the children to characterize the music: sad or funny, fast or slow, lingering or harsh, pleasant or repulsive, vocal or instrumental. Tell us what methods are used to achieve this or that effect, according to what principle the music was composed.
Step 4
Play the piano and sing a vocal piece from that era. Start disassembling with children. Print out the lyrics in advance on separate sheets of paper and distribute to the children. In one lesson, you can make out two or three songs.
Step 5
Summarize the lesson. Make (with the help of students) a general picture of the world and the art of music of the chosen era. Dictate your homework. A minute or two before the end of the lesson, say goodbye to them in the form of a song.
Step 6
Rehearse the lesson in front of a mirror or a listening friend. Keep a timer handy to keep track of the time spent on each task. Please note that each type of activity (listening to speech, listening to music, singing, recording) can be given no more than 10-15 minutes.