The characters of the cartoon "South Park", especially children, have the same proportions, they differ from each other only in color and shape of clothing, so it is very easy to draw them. Assistants in this will be familiar objects of various sizes, having the shape of a circle - coins, glasses, discs.

It is necessary
- - round objects;
- - colour pencils;
- - eraser;
- - a handle with a black core.
Step 1
The first stage in the work is to determine the proportions. Children from the cartoon "South Park" have a head diameter about a third larger than the body width. That is, if the body is drawn with a width of 4 cm, then a suitable head should have a diameter of 6 cm. The exception is Eric Cartman.
Step 2
In order to make a standard blank for all children, it is enough to find an object that has a suitable circle at the base - a glass, a bottle. Circle it with a simple pencil, calculate the diameter and draw a square below, the width of which is two-thirds of the diameter of the circle.
Step 3
In the middle of the face, children have oval eyes. To draw them, you can use coins, circle them, and then "cut" the corners. The legs are formed by selecting two ovals at the bottom of the square, which will later become the body of the child from South Park. The eyes and legs are also the same for all characters.
Step 4
Individual features are displayed next. Stan Marsh has a hat on his head, it occupies about a third of the head from the top of the head. The outline of the cap can be drawn by tracing, for example, a plate or disc, that is, something round with a large diameter. There is a pom-pom on the cap; it is slightly smaller in size than the eye. Other characters' headdresses are also crafted using round and square items. Children's clothing items can be drawn by hand.
Step 5
When the sketch is ready, you need to erase all the auxiliary lines and color the resulting drawing. Then carefully paint the outline in black.
Step 6
To draw the head of Eric Cartman, you need to use round objects with a diameter larger than that of other children, and then cut off the unnecessary until you get an oval.