A wild boar (boar or wild pig) is a strong and dangerous animal for humans, so hunting it requires extreme caution and knowledge of the habits of this animal. A wounded boar can pounce on a hunter, trying to knock him down.

Wild pigs cause great damage to agricultural land: they eat potatoes, turnips, beets, crops, and also tear up the soil in the fields and trample crops. To minimize the damage caused by wild boars and control the number of livestock, very large quotas are provided for shooting wild boars. For example, in Russia, the hunting quota for amateur hunting for wild boar can range from 3000 to 5000 heads per season.
Hunting from the tower
At hunting bases, hunting from a tower next to the lured places (glades) is very popular. The main advantage of this hunting method is safety.
Towers are usually placed behind trees in such a way that the tower is camouflaged, but the branches do not block the hunter's view. It is necessary to leave feed on a regular basis at the feeding area so that the animals get used to coming to the same places for food.
The wild boar is a cautious animal, but having got used to visiting a feeding place, he will come there every day. Potatoes and grains can be used as bait. The main thing is not to stop feeding even after the end of the hunting season, and then wild pigs will not leave the area.
The peculiarity of hunting from a tower is that, while guarding wild boars, it is very important not to rush, you do not need to shoot the first animal that comes across. The largest individuals are suitable to feed after the young.
Driven hunting with a dog
This method of hunting wild boar requires the participation of several people. Usually they hunt in groups of at least five to six people and with one dog. For a pen to be successful, you need to know the area well and make sure there are wild boars in the forest.
The corral is carried out as follows: arrows with serial numbers stand on shooting positions, and the beaters are looking for the beast and drive it towards the shooters. The distance between the shooters depends on the type of hunting weapon, cartridges and visibility on the ground, it can be from 30 to 150 meters.
The task of the beaters is to find a place for the boars to spend their days. In the search for the animal, dogs are excellent help. If the day is found, then you need to act very carefully. The next task of the beaters is to scare the beast away. It is necessary to roughly determine which side to approach so that the disturbed boar begins to leave exactly in the direction of the shooters who are waiting for him. Wild pigs have a keen ear, so they can hear a person approaching 100-200 meters away and jump off the spot with lightning speed, running away in the opposite direction. And if the boar runs towards the shooters, he will be shot.