The wall panel is an excellent solution for the interior of an apartment or a country house. You can make a panel on the wall with your own hands from any material. Having thought over the composition, choosing the necessary material, you can decorate the room beautifully and without large financial costs.

The basis and background for the panel
In order to make a panel on the wall with your own hands, you must take into account the style and color scheme of the room where it will be located. Then you should decide on the technique. Every year there are more and more options for creating panels. However, the principle remains the same.
First you need to make the base and background for the panel. The base material can be paper, cardboard, canvas, fabric. In order to create a background on the base, use various paints: gouache, watercolor, acrylic, fabric paints, pastels, spray paints. Also, any decorative paper can serve as a background: corrugated, handmade, velvet, napkins for decoupage, floristic.
Think over the plot of the future panel. If you're new to mural design, start with a simple background and simple materials. To create a panel for the kitchen, use elements on the kitchen theme: artificial fruits and berries, coffee grains, various cereals, textile elements. Bright toys and flowers are suitable for the nursery. For the living room - dried flowers, shells.
To make a panel on the wall with your own hands, take a sheet of thick cardboard for the base. Use a cotton calico for the background. Secure it with the buttons on the stretcher. Moisten with a spray bottle. Use batik paints for the background. Apply in random order several paint colors suitable for color mixing. In this case, you need to take blue, cyan and violet paints. Apply them to the fabric with a brush. Smoothly spreading on the fabric, they form an interesting pattern. If you think the pattern is dark, use a brush to apply plain water to the area. Then sprinkle some areas with salt. Do this carefully. The salt eats away at the paint and creates an additional pattern. If you want to stop this process, blow dry the fabric. After the fabric is completely dry, stick it onto the backing.
Prepare the material for the panel. Treat the roots and shells in a saline solution. Fasten the beads on the broth wire. Lay out the material on the panel. Set aside space for the largest items first. Then put the small ones, and finally the roots and the broth wire. The composition you have created should look harmonious from any side. If everything suits you, start gluing. Attach the skeletonized leaves first, then the shells, starfish and root. At the very end, glue the broth wire with beads.
If you want to make a panel on the wall with your own hands, use material that will remind you of certain events in your life. Seashells will remind you of a trip to the sea, a dried flower and a ticket - of going to the theater. Check your stocks, you will definitely find material for the future panel.