Do you enjoy composing music yourself? Do you want, on the one hand, not to prohibit others from copying it, and on the other, to make money on your works? One with the other is quite compatible, although at first glance it does not seem so.

Step 1
Make sure your music is written entirely from scratch first. There should be absolutely no elements of other people's works in it. As a last resort, you can use elements of musical works that have passed into the public domain, or even such works in their entirety. As a general rule, such songs are considered to be the authors of both words and music of which died more than seventy years ago.
Step 2
Record your songs. To do this, use only high-quality equipment. Remember that most inexpensive sound cards, including those that are built directly into motherboards, even have a very high-quality playback path, the recording path has very mediocre parameters. Buy a good sound card, as well as other necessary equipment: hardware mixing console, guitar effects, microphones, etc. It is very good if you are fond of electronics: then you can collect a lot of this yourself. Use Audacity to record and edit music files.
Step 3
Register on the Jamendo website. Please note that all recordings that you upload to this resource will be redistributed under the terms of the Creative Commons licenses. There are several types of such licenses, which differ from each other as follows:
- is it allowed to make changes to the works;
- is it allowed to use the works for commercial purposes:
- is it allowed when using the work not to indicate the name or pseudonym of the author.
Jamendo uses Creative Commons licenses that prohibit commercial use of the work and permit non-commercial use. It is this fact that allows authors and performers to make their music available to everyone, and at the same time, make money on it.
Step 4
If you are a member of any collective management organization, for example, the Russian Authors' Society, you cannot upload your works on Jamendo or any other sites yourself. The point is that your contract with such an organization is exclusive. Unlike a non-exclusive (or, which is the same thing, a license) agreement, an exclusive one deprives the author of the right to dispose of his work independently. However, if you are a member of a collective management organization, then you probably already make money from your works.
Step 5
To start buying your music on Jamendo, you need to advertise it. Otherwise, potential users simply will not know about your works. To do this, you can use the paid advertising offers of the Jamendo site itself, or you can act independently. But keep in mind that the funds you have invested in the promotion of the music you have created in one way or another will return a hundredfold only if the works are really of high quality.