One of the most popular and recognizable Halloween costumes is the mummy costume. Its popularity is also explained by the simplicity of manufacture with minimal labor and material costs.

Making a suit with a sewing machine
The most comfortable suit can be made by sewing fabric stripes to old clothes, imitating the bandages that are wrapped around the mummy. Old light-colored bedding or unwanted fabric is manually torn into separate stripes, the width of which is about 5-8 cm. Do not worry about the stripes being uneven and they have threads sticking out along the edges - these details will only add realism to the costume.
With the help of tea bags, coffee or onion skins, the "bandages" should be dyed a dirty yellow or brown color. To do this, a handful of dye is dipped into a large pot of boiling water and strips of prepared fabric are placed there. Depending on the desired shade, the "bandages" are dyed from 30 to 60 minutes, after which the material is allowed to dry completely.
An old turtleneck can serve as the basis for the top of the suit. Starting from the bottom, strips of fabric are casually laid on it and sewn on a sewing machine. You can leave the ends of the "bandages" free, allow inaccuracy when sewing a line - the mummy's costume only benefits from this. The same actions are repeated with the back of the turtleneck and its sleeves.
The lower part of the suit is sewn on the basis of sports trousers or long pants. The legs should not be very wide - this can ruin the image of the mummy. Strips of fabric are sewn from the bottom of the legs to where the trousers will overlap the turtleneck.
As a finishing touch, you need a ski mask that covers the head and almost the entire face - bandages are sewn onto it in a mess and put on the head. In the absence of a mask, you can simply wrap the head in strips of fabric, release strands of hair in several places and add appropriate makeup. If desired, the suit in some places can be stained with stains of paint or tomato paste, imitating the protruding blood.
Making a suit by hand
A simpler, but no less realistic mummy costume for the Halloween holiday is also made on the basis of old turtlenecks and pants, but without sewing. Strips of fabric, wide bandages or gauze are dyed dirty and wound over the garment.
The bandages are attached to clothing with pins. When the desired result is achieved, the pins are removed, and a little glue drips in their place. If this is not done, then during the holiday the costume can cause a lot of trouble because of the unwinding "bandages". If the fabric strips are not long enough, they can be tied together with deliberately rough knots, which look no less impressive than straight "bandages".
To complete the image of the mummy, bandages are applied to the hands, the nails of which can be coated with black varnish, and a little greased with PVA glue, which forms thin white films. Makeup in white or yellow tones is applied to the face, bandages are wrapped around the head, leaving slits for the eyes and mouth.