Hand-made gifts are always original, because it is impossible to make two identical ones. And how interesting it will be to create a small masterpiece without special skills and art education, moreover, in a couple of days! Making a tree of happiness out of stone and improvised means is not so difficult.

It is necessary
Thin copper wire without braiding, construction foam, PVA glue, alabaster or gypsum, pieces of drilled amber, malachite or other ornamental stones, florist tape, flower pot
Step 1
The first thing to do is find a wire that is thin and soft enough to hold its shape well when bent. Cut it into 20-25cm pieces. Passing the wire through the holes of the pebbles (these may be torn beads), twist it as shown in the photo. In this way, the branches of the future tree are formed.
Step 2
Weave 35-40 such branches, as many as possible, depending on your taste, patience and free time. Cut off enough wire with about 35cm pieces so that the thickness of the bundle is commensurate with the thickness of the intended tree. Having stepped back 10 cm from the ends of the beam, twist the trunk as tight as possible, give it a beautiful curvature by bending, like in bonsai trees.
Step 3
From the lower ends of the wire, form roots that will hold the tree in a pot or on a rock. From the upper ends, weave beautifully curved branches into which thin branches with pebbles should be woven. Strengthen the woven tree with horses in a flower pot, squeeze out a little building foam into it (it increases quite a lot in volume), leave to dry.
When the foam has completely hardened, cover the tree trunk with PVA glue, tie it with floral tape. While it dries, mix one to one alabaster or gypsum with PVA, apply the mixture gently to the branches, and generously to the trunk. As the mixture dries, use a toothpick to draw furrows to simulate tree bark.
Step 4
Remove excess construction foam with a clerical knife, you can even bare the roots a little at the trunk, it looks beautiful. Cover the "soil" with glue, sprinkle it with fine stone chips, pour over a thin layer of a mixture of PVA and alabaster, leave to dry. After completely dry, paint the wood and soil with acrylic paints.
Step 5
When everything is dry, cover the tree, primer and pot with hairspray for more decorative effect. Be careful, do not let the varnish get on the pebbles fixed on the branches, their natural dullness looks livelier. Now your stone tree is ready to give warm emotions and delight the eye.