Horoscope Of Male Weaknesses, Or What Men Are Afraid Of

Horoscope Of Male Weaknesses, Or What Men Are Afraid Of
Horoscope Of Male Weaknesses, Or What Men Are Afraid Of

In fact, men have much more fears and uncertainties about the future than it might seem at first glance. So what are men born under this or that zodiac sign really afraid of?

Horoscope of male weaknesses, or What men are afraid of
Horoscope of male weaknesses, or What men are afraid of

Aries fears

Deep down, Aries is afraid of family life and relationship commitments. Even his own feelings can make him uneasy. Affection for a woman and a permanent, stable relationship can pose a real threat to his personal freedom, so he can postpone the decision to marry his beloved for years. You should not put pressure on him in any way, and in every possible way incline him to make the decision you need. You need to competently make it clear to Aries that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, and let him make the final decision himself.

Taurus fears

Taurus is set for success. He used to feel himself the master of the situation. The woman who is next to him should feel his care and attention all the time. The material side of life is in the first place with him. A Taurus can handle small problems just fine, however, a series of big troubles can unsettle a Taurus for a long time and sow uncertainty and anxiety in his soul. He will simply stop believing in himself and become a mean brawler. It is necessary to provide him with all-round support in times of difficulty and not demand more from Taurus than he is able to give in this difficult period of his life.

Gemini fears

The Gemini man is most afraid of boredom and monotony in life. Everyday routine is clearly not for him. This man is constantly striving for new acquaintances and vivid impressions. He will never become a “handyman at home” for the family, and a woman who decides to link her future life with him should put up with this. You should not argue and swear with him, it is better to simply save him from household chores, otherwise life together can turn into endless torment.

Cancer fears

Cancer is just a real storehouse of all kinds of fears and phobias. He may be afraid to fly an airplane, sleep in the dark, physical pain, and doctors. The woman who is next to him should be sympathetic to his little weaknesses, especially since it is difficult to find the best family man among the other signs of the zodiac. Cancer, unlike the rest, is not at all afraid to tie the knot. This man should feel like the head of the family, while his woman should constantly take care of him as a loving mother.

Leo's fears

Leo is afraid to be left without attention from others. It is vital for him to constantly feel rapturous glances on himself and to be in the center of attention. He will shamelessly flirt with his work colleagues, and the woman next to him should understand this. Most of all in life, Leo is afraid of being alone, deprived of universal adoration. You should not associate life with him if you are jealous and touchy - this will bring you inevitable disappointment.

Virgo's fears

The Virgo man is always afraid that he will be deceived. He is naturally not endowed with intuition, so he will test you for a very long time to make sure that your feelings towards him are extremely sincere. This man is categorically not suitable for romantic and dreamy women. A practical and sober-minded girl who does not create illusions and does not hover in the clouds will be happy next to him. The best manifestation of love for him will not be an ardent declaration of love and a gentle look, but a delicious dinner and perfect cleanliness in the house.

Libra fears

This man is afraid of responsibility. For him, this is a terrible dream: to be in a situation where you need to make an important decision on his own. The Libra man dreams of being constantly guided, helped and advised. He loves to be talked to all the time, encouraged and praised. This man will not be left alone for a long time, so if you had a fight with him, then you do not need to greatly delay reconciliation, otherwise, soon, another woman may be in your place.

Scorpio's fears

Scorpio does not like to show others their weaknesses. It is known to be the most secretive sign of the zodiac. However, he is full of fears, like any other person. First of all, Scorpio is afraid of losing his power over his beloved woman. He is used to manipulating his woman's feelings and emotions and enjoying his power. This man will shy away from strong women with an independent and firm character who are difficult to control.

Sagittarius fears

Most of all in life, Sagittarius is afraid to seem ridiculous and ridiculous. Next to a woman, he usually keeps important and self-confident. If you want to build a long and strong relationship with him, then you do not need to joke about him and try to put him in an unfavorable light. Sagittarius needs a woman who can moderate her ambitions and look at him as a being of a higher order, completely share his thoughts and views on life.

Capricorn fears

Capricorn doesn't like to feel uncertainty. This man dreams of planning his life for decades ahead, and subordinating everyone around him to his plans. He is terrified of change and innovation. If you want to be close to him, then you should all the time prove to him your constancy. Capricorn should see you as a reliable and constant partner who one day will not throw an unpleasant surprise.

Aquarius fears

Aquarius does not like responsibility, so he will gladly shift all household responsibilities to his woman. She will have to solve all problems, including maintenance, purchase and sale of real estate and the purchase of new furniture. This is not the man who will shower his woman with expensive gifts. Aquarius, first of all, will always think only about himself, his comfort and convenience. Most of all, he is afraid of scandals, reproaches and claims in his direction, so it is worth thinking a thousand times before marrying him.

Fears of Pisces

The Pisces man is afraid of certainty. It is always difficult to get a concrete answer from him. He constantly keeps his family and friends in suspense about his true feelings. True, he does this not out of malice, he just himself does not really know what he really wants. If you want to connect your future life with him, then you should not put pressure on him, just go along with the flow, enjoying the moment. Perhaps you will sail somewhere if you don't get bogged down in seaweed along the way.
