How To Sell Soviet Coins

How To Sell Soviet Coins
How To Sell Soviet Coins

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Probably, many Russians have kept the remains of coins from circulation of that era in memory of the former Soviet Union. For adults, they represent circles that are quite familiar to the eye, but for adolescents this is already something "ancient". Such coins, like everything old and old, have some value, which is expressed in rubles.

How to sell Soviet coins
How to sell Soviet coins


Step 1

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is to go to places where coin collectors meet and try to sell there. But, most likely, this will not work, since you hardly know the real estimated value of Soviet coins. And buyers will not dare to approach an unfamiliar seller.

Step 2

The second way to sell coins, and probably the most realistic one, is through the Internet. Today, the network has a great variety of different auctions, including numismatic ones. You just need to take a few photos of the coins, assign a price to them and that's it. However, the problem may still not be resolved. Even if you look at the value of coins in specialized catalogs, you will still not be able to determine the real value of your coins. As a rule, inexperienced people greatly inflate the real price, and as a result, coins are not bought. The cost of a coin is made up of several factors: variety, preservation, cleaning method, and others. If according to the catalog a coin is estimated, for example, at $ 20, then in reality it may cost these $ 20, or maybe only 10 rubles. Therefore, people who know the real monetary value of their coins can use this method.

Step 3

The surest way is to sell through numismatic forums. You can find them through a regular search engine. Today in runet there are few large forums of collectors-numismatists. The advantage of the forum is that if you become a member of it, you can create your own topic, such as: "Please help determine the value of the coin" and post pictures of the coins. Most likely, you will be helped, moreover, by people who are really versed in numismatics. Such an assessment will be of the highest quality and absolutely free. Some antique shops also provide an appraisal service, however, only for money. After the evaluation results, you can put your coins on the forum auction at a real price.
