How And For Whom Horoscopes "work"

How And For Whom Horoscopes "work"
How And For Whom Horoscopes "work"

Each time we open a newspaper or magazine, we pay attention to the last pages, where horoscopes are often printed. Naturally, many do not believe in them, since not all of them are really compiled by astrologers, but if you know how to read them correctly, you can use the information received with benefit.

How and for whom horoscopes "work"
How and for whom horoscopes "work"

Believe horoscopes or not? Of course, everyone answers this question himself. Someone reads every forecast written in the tabloid press by ordinary journalists, and constantly comparing them, generates a lot of doubts at heart. Someone, for the same reason (that everything is written differently everywhere), rejects astrology in principle. And someone follows the recommendations of real astrologers, studying real, not tabloid forecasts.

I would like to clarify that not in all cases a single horoscope, say, for Capricorns, will really "work" in life. Why?


Why do these or those horoscopes not come true?

Several factors must indicate for a particular astrologer's forecast to work. So, in the natal chart:

· The sun should be located in the first house;

· The ascendant should be in the initial-middle degrees of the sign of the Zodiac, which is referred to in the horoscope;

· The grid of houses should at least approximately coincide with the boundaries of the Zodiacal circle (that is, the first house for Aries should be in Aries, the second house in Taurus, the third in Gemini, etc.).

Plus, it is desirable that in the desired sign of the Zodiac there are also several other personal planets: Mercury, Moon, Venus … Only in these cases it can be argued that the horoscope will really be accurate.

But what about the rest? Many who really respect astrology as a real science (although it is still believed that it is occult), they want to constantly receive daily advice from professionals for a day, a month, a year. For everyone else, there are two ways.

How to get a “working” horoscope?


For those who have the Sun not in the first house, there is no stellium (cluster of planets) there, and the ascendant is located in other signs, you can choose one of the options:

· Calculate an individual horoscope (you can order recommendations from an astrologer for a month, a year, where the influence of all planets and celestial events, on each planet and house of the natal chart will be considered);

· Read general recommendations, but not for your sign, but for the zodiac in which the ascendant of the natal chart is located (you can find it yourself, on astrological sites, or from an astrologer. To do this, you need to know, in addition to the date, the exact time and city of birth) …

These simple tips will help you keep abreast of some upcoming events in life, as well as help you manage your time (spend it really usefully) and emotions.

What about the general forecasts for the day?

It is no secret that many astrologers, knowing that horoscopes for the signs of the zodiac work only in individual cases, try to publish only general recommendations for the day. Such information is partly true, since it takes into account the active aspects between the planets, as well as their location in signs, strength, status. And, of course, here priority is given to the movement of the Moon (as you know, in a month, or rather, in 29, 5 days, it passes the entire Zodiac circle), since it more than others influences our daily life, affairs, emotions, psychological state …

General forecasts for the day are suitable for those who are trying to use their time rationally, know the best period for starting activities, new projects, creativity, improving their appearance, etc.