Information about the discord in the family of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan, which periodically appears in the media, ceases to seem like an invention of journalists. Not only did the couple celebrate the New Year separately, but even in the midst of the festive event, Ksyusha was seen in the company of another man.

Facts from the life of the spouses
The marriage between Ksyusha Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan was registered in 2013. In 2017, they had a son, Platon. Ksenia has repeatedly expressed that marriage and the birth of a child have changed her character for the better.
The news regarding Sobchak's divorce from Vitorgan appeared last fall. However, the presenter declined to comment on this. Only once on a social network did she allow herself to notice that only "gossips" who have nothing more to discuss can be interested in such gossip. Moreover, this post almost quarreled her with her friend Sergei Shnurov, who decided not to remain silent. The singer, in his characteristic obscene form, pointed out that he was surprised by the fact of the secrecy of his girlfriend, who used to put her personal life on public display.
Whether to be divorced by a star couple
On New Year's Eve, Sobchak and Vitorgan had a joint appearance. They attended a concert at the conservatory, it was not planned to make this fact public. Nevertheless, Vitorgan posted a photo of his wife on the social network with a meaningful comment: “I brought it to the conservatory at night and is glad. 23:11.
Ksenia herself did not advertise that she was at the conservatory with her husband. The star only posted a small part of the concert for her Instagram followers and noted that she liked the performance.

Some believe that Sobchak deliberately "secrets" all relationships with his spouse in order to attract as much attention as possible to his own person. Nevertheless, the media assure that divorce is inevitable, since Ksyusha began to openly show her feelings towards her new lover.
Festive night accompanied by a new companion
According to information provided by the media, Ksenia celebrated the New Year at a party at the Agalarov Estate. Maxim at this time was at work - he took part in the "Unprincipled Readings" by Sasha Tsypkin. At the party, Sobchak was accompanied by theater director Konstantin Bogomolov. According to eyewitnesses, the couple openly showed their feelings for each other, kissing and hugging in public. However, this news is based only on rumors, as no publication has provided photo or video evidence.
The media also report that before the New Year holidays, Bogomolov visited Berlin, where he visited his ex-wife (actress Daria Moroz) and daughter Anya. The couple broke up without scandals, so Konstantin continued to maintain warm relations with his former family after the divorce.
Curiously, none of the participants in the love triangle wants to comment on the situation. But they prefer to leave mysterious posts on social networks.
Sobchak was able to intrigue her subscribers with philosophy on the eve of the New Year's holiday. Ksenia wrote that many big changes took place in the past year, which she expects from the coming one. Some took these words as a hint of difficulties in relations with their husbands, while others associated them with the beginning of a political career.
Sobchak admitted that she is happy and loved, but at the same time she did not write a word about her spouse in the post. We can only guess if she meant him, or maybe a new boyfriend?