All twelve signs of the zodiac constantly compete with each other, and each is trying to prove that he is "the best". The smartest, the most successful, the kindest, the most responsible … And what is the happiest sign?

Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius
If happiness is to be a highly spiritual person, the most spiritually "advanced" signs are Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Pisces definitely have a connection with higher powers, and Neptune "helps" them in this. They can even communicate with God, have the abilities of seers and psychics. Do these abilities bring happiness? Maybe. Since Pisces are compassionate, they can sympathize and come to the rescue, they love people, it is likely that people respond in kind.
Sagittarius is a philosopher and spiritual guide. His strength lies in his optimism and ability to instill this optimism in others. For this wonderful quality that makes life happier, Sagittarius should thank their ruler Jupiter. Healthy optimism and faith in the future are serious prerequisites for being happy.
The unconditional and absolute sign of the future is Aquarius. His spiritual strength lies in the ability to break stereotypes. Aquarius can live the way he likes. His patron Uranus allows him to go far beyond his own self. He behaves freely and listens only to the inner voice, remaining free from the influences and conventions of the external world. Perhaps freedom is happiness.
Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn
If happiness is material goods. The richest of the signs of the zodiac can easily become Taurus. He is famous for his ability to make money, as he is the sign of the Earth, the most fixed sign. Taurus not only can earn, but knows how to save up and will never become a spender. Taurus lives in comfort, eats tasty and surrounds himself with exquisite things. For many, this is a sign of a happy person.
Cancers are also prone to wealth. They have a strong position, are excellent at accumulating material values and are attached to what they have.
Another earth sign is Capricorn. He is not interested in earning or accumulating money, but in career growth. Capricorns know how to satisfy their own ambitions, which they have rather big. They achieve high achievements and can influence those around them.
The most-most Gemini
Gemini is rich both spiritually and materially. This is a unique sign with optimism, cunning, ingenuity, and open-mindedness. Gemini's wealth is not in money, but in ideas. But thanks to these ideas, Gemini can very well be successful. Gemini is also the luckiest sign. They are always in the right place at the right time. Their natural optimism, love of life and the ability to find a way out of any situation gives them the right to be called the happiest sign of the zodiac.