How To Draw Dragons

How To Draw Dragons
How To Draw Dragons

Table of contents:


In order to draw a fabulous dragon, it is necessary to combine the images of reptiles and bats, and then add details, for example, bone growths on the face and tail, sharp claws and scales covering the entire surface of the body.

How to draw dragons
How to draw dragons


Step 1

Divide the entire body of the dragon into its constituent parts and depict them in the form of simple geometric shapes. Subsequently, you will work with each of them, and the drawing will come together. For the future torso, draw an elongated oval, depict the head in the form of an egg-like figure, its sharp part will be the nose. Highlight the growing areas of the front and hind legs.

Step 2

Connect the shapes corresponding to the head and body with lines, outline the neck.

Step 3

Draw the dragon's face. Select a flat forehead that blends into a sharp beak-shaped nose with predatory parted nostrils. Draw slanting eyes under the pronounced brow arches, draw vertical pupils. Contour the lower jaw. To make it easier for you, imagine a crocodile with a short mouth.

Step 4

Decorate the dragon tanks with long spikes, you can draw webbed folds between them. Draw horns and bony growths on the face, for example, between the eyes or on the chin.

Step 5

Start drawing the torso. Draw large plates of scales on it, continue to make a long tapering tail. Its size should be equal to the length of the body. Finish the tail with bony growths of various sizes.

Step 6

Draw the dragon's paws. Please note that they are located not under the body, but on the sides of the body, like in reptiles, for example, crocodiles or monitor lizards. Select the strong top of each paw and draw the articulations. Finish each limb with sharp-clawed fingers.

Step 7

Complete the image with wings. They originate at the level of the dragon's shoulder blades, behind the front paws. Draw a broken line for the forearm bone. To make it easier for you, look at how the front limbs of bats, for example, bats, are arranged. At the end of the construction line, draw some long rays corresponding to the "fingers". Draw the skin membrane between them.

Step 8

Color in the drawing. You can choose any shade for the body, the main thing is to carefully draw the plates, scales and horny growths. Use a rich yellow shade for the eyes.
