Svetlana Svetlichnaya's official income is only 14,000 rubles. How and how much does a star of the Soviet period earn in addition to pension? What does the Honored Artist of the RSFSR have to go to in order to "stay afloat" and look great even at her almost 80 years old?

The insidious speculator, the meek German woman Gaby - these images were brought to life on the screen by Svetlana Afanasyevna Svetlichnaya. The roles are small, but without these characters the films would be incomplete, not so bright. How much does a sex symbol of the Soviet period make now? On what income, besides her pension, does she buy luxurious outfits, and does she just live?
Hostage of one role?
The filmography of Svetlana Afanasyevna Svetlichnaya has more than 70 movie roles. But Soviet and Russian moviegoers know her for one role - speculators from the legendary comedy "The Diamond Arm". Why did the talented actress become hostage to one role? Who "closed" for her the path to the embodiment of the main characters in Soviet films and why?
Svetlana Afanasyevna began acting in films back in 1959, when she was only 19 years old. Despite her striking appearance, the directors trusted her only for minor or cameo roles. Before the speculator in "The Diamond Hand" she played only two main roles - Svetlana in the film almanac "Youth" and the young widow Pavlina in "Cook".

Svetlana Afanasyevna got into Gaidai's picture quite by accident, easily agreed to a scandalous role, not even suspecting how she would change her life. The boldness of the actress in the frame, of course, attracted the attention of the audience of those times, but the directors scared away. They were afraid to invite Svetlichnaya to the main roles. Only 11 years later, she was allowed to play the role of an unnamed cigarette holder in a short film, but she was invited by a Hungarian director to a picture that would not become a “hit”. And then again oblivion and again the role of the second plan.
How much did Svetlana Svetlichnaya earn in Soviet times?
The beauty with "not Soviet appearance" was removed reluctantly, for episodic roles they paid mere pennies then. Svetlichnaya's first husband, also an actor Vladimir Ivashov, did not have much success. In order to somehow support his wife and sons, he had to earn extra money at a construction site, as a loader in a store.
Svetlana Afanasyevna, who grew up in a general's family in abundance and adoration, did not want to perceive such a reality. The lack of funds and work annoyed the woman. Raising her sons frankly tired her. Perhaps this is why Svetlichnaya sometimes says that the marriage was long, but not happy. However, she immediately contradicts herself, as if making excuses.

Soviet actors who played the main roles in films received from 1 to 2,000 rubles for each picture. But Svetlichnaya did not belong to this "caste." She could only count on a salary if she was on the staff of any film studio.
It is known that when her husband became seriously ill (stomach ulcer), in order to help him provide for his family, she agreed to clean the apartment of a more successful neighbor on the porch.
New life in a new time
Svetlichnaya is a strong woman. This is evidenced by the way she looks in her almost 80 years, how optimistic she is and to some extent successful. Many years after her starring role in The Diamond Hand and subsequent oblivion, she reappears in public, on television talk shows, actively participates in discussions, defends her position. Such a woman is worthy of both respect and admiration.

There were many losses in her life, which not everyone can survive. In 1995, her husband died, and 11 years later she lost her youngest son. Svetlana Afanasyevna still blames herself for his death - she looked somewhere, somewhere she did not have time, and the man, who was her favorite child, simply drank himself to death.
Now Svetlana Svetlichnaya plays in the theater and acts in films. Let not be as active as we would like, but much more often than in Soviet times. After 10 years of absolute absence of work as an actress, from 1994 to 2004, she starred in 8 films, 2 music videos, participates in two theatrical productions.
How much does Svetlana Svetlichnaya make now?
Even for small roles or cameo roles for such an eminent actress, directors are now ready to pay good money. Svetlana Afanasyevna agrees to shoot not only because it is impossible to live on a tiny pension, but also because she enjoys working in the frame and on stage.
Participation in various television talk shows also brings a good income. It's no secret that even the audience in the hall receives a certain fee, and even more so the experts in the studio. But talk shows for Svetlichnaya are not only a source of income, but also an opportunity to express their opinion on a particular situation or event. She always gladly accepts such invitations.

Svetlana Afanasyevna's pension is just over 14,000 rubles. Recently, a number of media outlets have reported that the actress receives more than 300,000 rubles in this category of income, but this statement was unfounded, it was just a fiction. Svetlichnaya, like other representatives of Russian art, receives a ridiculous pension. She has no savings and deposits, she lives and now quite modestly.
To be "in sight" and look great at 80 is her right and her kind of feat. Svetlana Afanasyevna does not hide the fact that wealthy fans of her talent help her, she gladly accepts gifts in the form of branded clothing and accessories.