How To Draw Anime

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How To Draw Anime
How To Draw Anime

Video: How To Draw Anime

Video: How To Draw Anime
Video: How to draw Anime "Basic Anatomy'' (Anime Drawing Tutorial for Beginners) 2024, December

Anime is Japanese cartoons. Also, this word is used to refer to the art that is characteristic of this genre. Learning how to draw anime characters is pretty simple. You just need to learn the main features of this style.

How to draw anime
How to draw anime

It is necessary

a simple pencil; - eraser; - paper; - colored pencils or paints


Step 1

All the characters in anime series have common features: they have large eyes, small mouths and schematically indicated noses. Some characters may have disproportionately long legs.

Step 2

Prepare your drawing materials. Take a regular album with thick white paper and a soft, simple pencil. Pencils for drawing are best sharpened with a knife rather than a sharpener. With a knife, you can cut the tip of the lead at an angle. It is convenient to use such a pencil for both fine lines and shading.

Step 3

Make preliminary markup. Draw a vertical line in the center of the sheet - this is the growth of your anime character. Mark six equal line segments on the line. The top segment will be the head. The bottom three segments go to the feet. Add guidelines for the width of the shoulders and pelvis. Draw the outlines of the torso. Sketch the hands.

Step 4

For the head, draw an oval and divide it in two with a thin horizontal line. Mark the center of the eyes on the line with two dots. Make two horizontal strokes in place of the lower eyelids.

Step 5

Focusing on the designations of the lower eyelids, add the upper eyelids, iris and pupils. Note that the iris and pupil in anime are rarely perfectly round. Most often they are elongated vertically. Draw thin eyebrows over the upper eyelids.

Step 6

Draw a nose in the center of the face. It should be small and not detailed. Mark ears approximately equal in height to the distance from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose. Draw a small mouth. To do this, simply draw a small horizontal line under the nose. Lips are optional.

Step 7

Place the hairline high above the eyes. Draw hair in separate strands. Based on the nature of your character, make his hairstyle neat or careless, simple or complex.

Step 8

Draw the shape of the character. At this stage, anime should be drawn in the same way as an ordinary human figure using the technique of classical drawing.

Step 9

Erase the guide lines with the eraser and color in the drawing.
