Charlie Chaplin left a will, according to which the first man to bear and give birth to a child will receive a million US dollars. But whether a man can be pregnant is still a controversial question.

Is it possible for a man to become pregnant?
Many geneticists and morphologists argue that thanks to the development of modern reproductive technologies, from a purely technical point of view, this is possible with the help of a female reproductive organ transplant.
However, after uterine transplant surgery, a number of conditions will need to be met for its normal functioning. The female body begins to prepare for bearing a child from birth; for the normal functioning of the uterus, the cyclical work of various hormones produced by the ovaries is necessary. And a man will no longer be able to transplant them, since they will dissolve in his body. Normal work of the uterus will be impossible without the intake of artificial hormones. An excess of such hormones will gradually turn a man into a woman: the voice will change, the stomach and hips will appear, the breasts will increase. Without the need to intervene in such processes, no doctor will become.
Natural fertilization in the body with a transplanted uterus cannot occur. For conception, you will need to use IVF methods. But it will also be difficult to bring the fetus to childbirth due to the complexity of the processes occurring in the body during pregnancy.
Pregnant men
And yet, in the press and on the Internet, there are notes about pregnant men. Moreover, this phenomenon is not so rare, if we mean sympathetic pregnancy or the so-called couvad syndrome.
This syndrome manifests itself in the fact that during a woman's pregnancy, the future father begins to experience the same sensations as his wife: nausea, dizziness, weakness, mood swings appear, even the mammary glands swell, weight grows. During childbirth, a pregnant man may also experience cramping pains.
Scientists have noticed that in such men in the body there is an increase in the production of the pregnancy hormone - prolactin.
Sex reassignment surgery and pregnancy
During sex reassignment surgery, only the genitals are changed, not the reproductive system. So, men who become women will not be able to have children.
If a woman changes sex, then she may well become a pregnant man. The world knows the stories of Scott Murr, who changed sex at the age of 16, the transsexual Thomas Beaty, who has already given birth to two children. Also on hearing is the case of a man who gave birth through surgery, a native of India, Sanji Bhagat, inside whom his younger brother developed for many years.